my heart felt sorrow for such young lives lost my condolences to the families and lets not forget the truck driver and his family as he will have to live with this for the rest of his life
this question would be for chris as you know when they put my dvd in they removed the box you need to do the
english conversion so if you had another box could you do the conversion
35% is the legal tint i have the dark windows on the back and just tinted the front with 35% and thats plenty dark enough
also i have the tinted tail lights and head lights i got the film from ebay in the us
i've done a serch but coud'nt find how to get at it
i was puting the car in the shed last night and out it went
so do i get at it from inside the boot and dose it need to be replaced
or dose it have its own fuse
talked to the wife and she is not sure about the seats as we use our 35 as a daily drive and yours would be a replacement but ill send some pics to you