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Everything posted by bubbabooga

  1. and one more thing.. what sort of gains have people had from ecu remaps... i know they would iron out the power curves and that make em more reliable but what sort of gains can be expected? cheeers yo
  2. yeah i have my own timing lights... can anyone give the stock timing figures it should be set to... when we put cas back on we made sure it was exact same position by finding the marks from the bolts and putting it the exact same marks... fair sure its the same but its worth a check... how much advace does annyone run.. fair mild setup.. just got 3inch 1 resinator bleed valve pod and fuel pump... recomened max advance?? i have bb rb25 turbo ready to go on with greddy front mount kit and nismo fuel presure reg which i will just get a different workshop to put on so they can give me a remap and tune to suit...
  3. yeah i just checked all the pins and their both perfect on the male and female plugs.... it occasionally drops idle to 400rpm then bounce up to 1200rpm when ever it wants it is not the aac valve as iv already looked into that... it wasnt f**kin around the idle before the change water pump and timing belt... ?? :S
  4. yeah yeah that was what i ment so we couldnt get it on the wrong teeth.. and yeah we did line the 3 bolts that you use to adjust the cas back to the exact same marks that they were on... used to run beautifully till then... so lost with what to do?
  5. well it was at a mates workshop and he said it can only go on one way.. like the splines on the crank angle sensor could only be put i the same position every time... i was a tad sceptical on that but let him continue on.. iv used co2 cantact cleaner on the plugs for cas and the ignition amps and cold start and acc valve plugs but still nothing...
  6. hey all.. sterday at a mates workshop we found my water pump was leaking so we replaced it and having to move the crank angle sensor, once all put back together the car wouldnt fire.. gave the plug on cas a wiggle and she fired up but not sounding to good... took it for a drive and it feels like it has about half power to what it used to have... whilst going threw the rev range seems to jerk around a little... maybe like timing advancing and retarding...?? so annoying.. thought maybe could just get a remap and a workshop to sort it out but i dont wanna be speding thousands on them searching for the issue.. is it possible to put crank angle sensor back on wrong??? any help appreciated
  7. hey mate... may i ask why theirs 6 cradle bushes?? i thought only 4 were needed?? are they the different thikness bushes..? should work in a31 cefy hey?? if so i would prob take them off your hands let me know cheers
  8. yeah after the wiper arm for the rear window for a A31 cefiro..??? cheers
  9. hey mate do you have any other shots of the wheells??? and possibly rouch postage price to 5253 murray bridge?
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