so atm you are 71 kg, you wanna be a low % fat 80kg, though ur not happy with ur body fat % right now,
essentiallly u need to put on 10kg of lean muscle,
will need to be very strict on diet, routine and sleep
personally id throw the crunches in the bin, if your body fat % is low enough ur abs will show once you start giving your core a flogging from heavy deadlifts,squats,standing mill press,barbell lunges
if i was going to do bicep curls id be doing barbell,
my advice is dont limit yourself to any one routine and weight (use both dumb bell and barbell), change it up every few weeks... for example ive been doing lighter weights with more 3-4 set with reps of 8-10 , as off next week i will be doing a 5x5 routine (5 sets 5 reps)
and compound exercises are your freind, alot of your exercises already are so thats a good start
honestly i dont like routines like yours, i just dont feel like i would be able to hit each body part hard enough only doing 3 sets. Though your starting out so u will see some gains to begin with, once you platau id be changine the routine and making it more intense then 3 times a week...
thats wha i reckon anyway