hey guys
as the heading states, need a front Tie Rod and rack end for a R34 GTT.
comes off the steering rack on passenger side.
if you have this part please let me know and it will need to be posted to Hobart TAS 7004.
thanks guys
hey everyone sorry for late replys forgot to delete this post..
paretns bought me seats for christmas and already sold the original seats for a couple hundred $$$s
sorry guys but thanks for your replys.
have a good one
hey guys
i need a wreckers in melbourne with a rear k-frame/subframe/cradle (whatever you call it haha) for r34 GTT.. or anyone private sales that have one..
please can you give me some contact numbers as my dad is coming through on monday to pick one up on way to tasmania.
hey mate
interested if you have the rear k-frame/sub frame/cradle (whatever youd like to call it haha)
its the big square bracket which holds all the suspension arms etc at the back on car.
ill give you $200 for it and get my dad to pick it up on the way back from canberra around the 19th jan?
also would like the front passenger tie rod + rack end!
$250 for both?
PM me back mate and let me know