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Everything posted by 34GeeTeeTee

  1. You did a good job though!
  2. Ummm you can get them from Office City over near Islington i think it is... Can get all shapes and sizes! They have an ebay store too which actually lists a lot of the pricing!
  3. As some of you know the car is back at its second home.... JEM....This visit is just to fix a few weak spots we found at the track day.... Hopefully when it returns to the road it will also be quite capable on the track, 2014 will be more focussed on track days and hopefully will get some good laps in without issues! This photo is thanks to Mr Paul Kelly - It looks like shit as its been towed in the rain twice since the track day some serious TLC needed once it comes home!
  4. So, no real updates here... Moving house took a lot longer than expected and since doing that we have had no internet and no phone service hence we have been in the stone age! I have started working on the shed as planned and its coming together as per my rough floor plan - Also, The LOWDOWN.com guys now have the pics online from the JEM shoot, check out the workshop feature if you get a chance -
  5. Awesome news mate! Mine is slowly getting setup too -
  6. Mmmmmmm HTA <3
  7. I see the white writing is catching on
  8. Damn you have the fog light inserts too! I just want the inserts so i can run some ducting to my oil cooler lol
  9. Host them on Imgur or photobucket?
  10. You got any updates of the beast man? I was meaning to ask you the other day so i could show Carmen
  11. Nice lancer bodykit Good progress man, glad its all coming together!
  12. It wheelstands 4th if that helps I think i need to do some adjustments on the foot pedal lolz And agreed with the comments above, working on it
  13. I dont think resale is an issue as i am so happy with the results and performance i dare so i wont feel the need to change Ill try the alloy elbow off the housing as i dont want to restrict any performance! Good point about rotating the housing, that is something i hadnt thought of and will have a look, could be possible even if its just a bit... Yep so i think mine is too close to the mani for one as i can only just get my hand between it. Ill just get it welded up and do it right this time i think! I need to eliminate any potential problems!
  14. Nice work man! Just watched it on Bookface.... Skids!!!
  15. Lololol well yes you did manage to take up some precious time jks
  16. Wouldnt have happened if he had the lifejacket on! You couldnt have got your head close enough to the engine bay with that stupid thing on
  17. Yep, well its the first time its ever had it so i am glad the problem has been found and will be solved! Haha really? I would have done this --> had i known...
  18. Yep i agree... And both splits were on the manifold side i guess which shows it being the weakest point! I thought Texi would have killed it as it should have been even hotter with no airflow through the front etc... Anyway, the shakedown was a success and i am glad i found it here and not all the way down in SA if i was still going to the Nationals! As the car will start to see more track than street in the near future i have a few changes to make to keep it reliable! Also have some changes in the engine bay and also the driveline which i will elaborate on soon, i have been working with Jim Berry on the clutch as the gearbox has to come out soon anyway and we are going to change the design a little to make it more suitable for the style of driving i will be doing, Jim has been fantastic as always and is very keen to try out the new style!
  19. Yeah that seems to be the combo for fail BUT why are so many others managing to survive and mine hasnt? Either way i will fix the problem good and proper BUT just want to make sure i am not missing anything obvious to make sure i get it fixed for good!
  20. Yep good advice man! We will work out the best plan... And yeah bulk meat FTW!!! No homo!!! Interesting! I dunno WTF my issue is then..... the second one lasted 4-5 laps and is GOOOOOOONE!!! And i made sure the best i could it was fitted right given the working conditions i had, even if it had a slight kink i cant see 20psi being enough to do this - The old one lasted 2000km including a Texi event where it would have been red hot, so why did the new one last so little? They both split in different spots too! The pipes are smooth and there is no evidence of contact with anything! Fkn
  21. Thanks Dale... Its pretty well shaded so i think summer should be OK, not sure about winter though! I know the stuff you mean, ill get most of the stuff moved in anyway and see how it goes BUT if its an issue, like you say its cheap enough to do
  22. Expensive hobby either way But after all the time and money it does make me smile everytime i drive it, when Carmen does pics of it etc i look at it and think..... Not bad!! haha Some new mods coming soon to get this thing reliable so i can start posting some actual reliable track footage haha
  23. This is actually something we will be looking into as we plan to complete the driveway and connect it to the main driveway, while doing this we will also have colourbond fences and a garden shed done, its quite possible we will do a carport style thing as we cant get the cruiser in either shed
  24. Lol yep, 2 in a row that day.... Am getting the hard pipes made up soon!
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