Thanks Nick,
Most helpful as usual. What do you think of Buddy Club vs Tein? Can i use those whiteline swaybars as well? Like i said i'm a total n00b
when it comes to these things, prior to my Silvia i'd only had Gemini's and the like, and they were lowered courtesy of Angle Grinder
Performance hahaha! Also another question relating to wheels/suspension, the wheels im looking to get are 19's, and come in either
19x8 or 19x9.5. Would either of these have issues fitting with the suspension? And as long as the total outer diameter is the same, can
i put on 19x8 at the front and 19x9.5 on the back, or does this cause issues with the AWD regardless? Sorry if these are silly questions
but if you dont ask you dont know!