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Everything posted by nerm

  1. I sure did.. it was parked behind the Ferrari California over where all the catrem/catahams (whatever) were
  2. Some snaps I... ummm... snapped Awwwww... aren't they cute!!
  3. The event is on Sunday the 21st I think this is the 3rd time I have pointed it out in this thread!! ITS ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. sounds like the original GTR from the 70's, the KPGC110 GT-R (Built from 72-77) it had a 2ltr engine
  5. I don't know whats more scary.. the fact that he asked or the fact that you know
  6. Isn't the Shannons thing on Sunday?? We meet at Grevellia Park on Friday night around 9:30 (most people are there by 10:30 though). There is a boat ramp on the lake and next to it is a carpark which is where we meet. We don't usually cruise unless its a special occasion, or a large number of people what to get Hungry Jacks or whatever. (SHELL CAN YOU STICKY THE LOCATION OF THE FRIDAY NIGHT MEETS) On another note i saw a dark green GTi-R which white wheels the other day.. was that yours? (ps: I tried to upload an image put it didn't let me. We meet near the (A). http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&sou...p;t=h&z=16)
  7. 01- Donnan 32 GTR 02- Kat 32 GTR 03- Troy 33 GTS-T 04- Shell R34 GTT 05- Reece 32 GTS-T 06- Bob?????? 07- Cejay 32 GTS4 08- A20089 R33 GTR 09- ZCR R32 GTS-T 10- Dave R33 GTS-T 11 - Melly R33 GTS-T 12 - Mag86 (Andrew) MR30 Ti (pending mobility /painkillers on the day) 13 - Luke R33 GTS-t 14 - R33_ACT (Rob) R33 GTST 15 - Michael R33 GTS-T 16 - Nathan R32 GTS-T 17 - David R33 GTST
  8. i should be out.. ~930-10
  9. Anyone going to head out tonight? If so you might want to bring a jumper, the last couple weeks have been a little chillie for those of you who do not have 'built in' jumpers.
  10. Try this thread: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Fr...&start=1920 If you search in there you should be able to find the location of the meet
  11. i spotted a white r32gtr with gold wheels in mitchell around 430 yesterday afternoon
  12. i didnt sence any evil.. only against socks maybe
  13. i spotted this a couple time this weekend
  14. Didnt you car have giant 20inch chromies on it before it looked "unfinished"? If i was a copper I would pull someone over for having 20inch rims as you can pretty much garantee they are illegal IMHO, (IMHO = In My Honest Opinion... for those of you that don't know) on the whole there are more unroad-worthy modified holdens/fords out there than there are skylines/supras etc
  15. Maybe its because you car looks... unfinished. Also the bright paint probably doesn't help. I've been pulled over once for an RBT an I was the 4th car in a line of 6 so I doubt I was targeted. And before anyone feels the need to say "why would the cops want to pull over a Camry/Magna/Avalon" it would probably be because it has a loud exhaust, big shiney wheels and at the time it was extreemly low (exhaust was about 4cm off the ground)
  16. Spotted a yellow 34gtt outside cream in civic at 1050. Then a white 33 drove past
  17. im going to assume that its the boat ramp where we meet on friday nights.. and yes for all of those people who have not been there during the day there is a boat ramp off to the left when you drive towards where we meet (near the restaurant)
  18. no idea how old the fridge is.. ive had it for roughly 2 years Sinista32 gets first say, if he doesnt want it its all yours
  19. ive got a bar fridge that im not using.. you can have it for free.. if anyone wants it they can have it for free
  20. spotted a black 32 with black rims on lathlain street near rubies at around 4:15
  21. Me thinks you are 100% right
  22. Actually the Utah Saints did a song called "Something good 08" which has an awesome videoclip, i suggest you look it up on youtube sometime.
  23. spotted trozzle wanting attention
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