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Everything posted by R34P3R

  1. seen a non gt4 Celica with one on.. was driving and my friends like woah a Porsche lol.. saw it later on at the malaga car wash
  2. does shannons cover imports for 18/19yr olds? i hate just cars now
  3. insurance compnaies are annoying.... they had to review my claim coz of my rims. i just found out today they are charging me 3k with my rims which they value at 2.5k for 17s but atleast you got his details and stuff
  4. R34P3R


    i have a question lets say you put them in your highbeams. does taht mean you have to take the high beam globes out to have the strobes in there or can you still have both
  5. yea doctors sent me to physio that helps a bit but still hurting if the cops cant find they guy or if he doesnt pay then money from the taxi money will be good for paying for the repairs/insurance
  6. yea I hurt my back and neck and i havent worked since the accident... thought having paid leave would be fun but its pretty boring when you dont have a car to go out with
  7. that probably was me. but it was like 300m from reid on tonkin
  8. oh very funny.. ill leave a special present on your car at work i still wanna go on a hill run!!!! i will borrows my moms auto corolla and whoop your ass
  9. thanks guys. taxi should have the number 3002 on it somewhere. i think maybe he was working illegally/no visa or something but im really bummed about it now coz i dont have 2.6k for excess and dont want my insurance premium going up. without the taxi drivers details the repairs wont start and i will have to wait longer. Its gonna be hard coz i love my car
  10. ive come across a major problem. the "Black and white cab" taxi company says the taxi is one of theirs but hasnt worked for them for a few months and they have no details on his car or contact info. if anyone sees a tarago taxi with damage on the right side can you note down the rego number and send it to me? called the police again today and they told me im not even on the system yet but yesterday they had my info which is really gay. also was told it will take about 3 weeks for it to be on the system and then they will start the investigation which will take a few more weeks. contact numbers 0421377425 thanks Sunny
  11. im going to try and get them to speed it up but the police who attended were really nice about it...
  12. found the company the taxi is with but they wont give me any info and told me that the police have to lodge a written request to get the drivers details which is gay coz i called them this morning and was told it will take over 2 weeks before they do anything
  13. i just want my car to be back on the road as soon as possible but not having his details makes it alot harder to do.... this is really depressing... i love my car and i dont have it =[ R34GTTSKY thanks but i think i will probably buy a kit for it. but might take you up on your offer thanks to everyone else for your comments.. it helps alot i drew this up to show a friend the damage. might aswell post it here too
  14. thanks guys... i dont want to be billed for something that wasnt my fault =[ it was a white tarago taxi number was 3002. should have a dent on the right side
  15. I was driving home from morely down Tonkin in the right lane on the section before it become Reid hw i crash. It was on the intersection of Benara rd and Tonkin lights weren't amber or big warning lihts weren't flashing, lights were green, not speeding going 90 althougt it turns into a 80 zone for that section. I had already passed the light when a tarago taxi van comes out and instead of going into the empty left lane he cross's straight into the right lane by the time i started to brake it was too late the left side hit his car and pushed mine into the side kerb and sent me sliding in the middle sandy section. the car behind us saw everything stopped and rushed to see if i was alright. the taxi came to a stop a few metres ahead of mine with a blown tyre and little dent on his side. he doesnt say anything come out of his cab look around my car, once i got out of my car he got back into his and drove off without a word no sorry or giving me his details. the witness got his taxi number but no rego. now i have to wait for the cops to call me with his details before i can make a claim, insurance says without the other guys details i will have to pay the excess fees. damage on the left side only. the left rims all cracked up. the left bar holding the wheels straight is bent. left fender
  16. omg thanks for the fast reply Dan this makes me feel alot better!!!!
  17. so stupid me decided to wash my engine bay today... went to malaga car wash, sprayed it with degreaser and then washed it off... when driving off the car felt different and would vibrate a bit so i stopped to make sure nothing was disconnected inthe engine bay. started driving again and i noticed it sounded like a wrx. so i drove home and it was vibrating all the way. when i took off it would shake, in 3rd going 40 i floored it and heard the turbo spinning but no boost coming on. drove really slow all teh way home nearly in tears has it happened to anyone before and does anyone know what to do? is it the turbo?? i feel like crying right now
  18. i was going to get strobe lights at the front but was told they are illegal so i was wondering if under car strobe lights are legal? saw a supra with them on youtube
  19. 2000 R34 GTT Just Cars $2400 full comprehensive unlimited mods im 18 and it will drop to 1400 next year... well thats what they told me
  20. *page not responding*
  21. yes i meant a gtt and thanks for your replies
  22. this may be a stupid question but my friends and i was wondering how much psi does a stock r34 run on? i tried looking it but but just got alot of car reviews that talked about crap
  23. hey i just got a r34 a 2 days ago and a day after the engine warning light came on. on the first day me and my friends had a bit of fun but yesterday i was driving and it came on. didnt boost it yesterday either. i had my deck, amp and sub installed and my dad thinks thats the problem. do i need to have it check asap? coz i dont have days off work till monday
  24. thanks for the advice it helps alot
  25. hey ive been looking to get a skyline for a while now and since im off my probabtion at work i can go and buy one. i found a blue 2000 model r34 yesterday that had done 93k and had just been imported. it is $27000 for it drive away. is that worth it? to me 93k is alot what would be a good place to get a nice skyline r34 from? i talked to imports101 but some of my friends are telling me not to be so trusting of import companies coz the car the get might break.
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