Lauren- you are going to need something for the way over... gets soooooooo boring.....
Last cruise i went on the bloody batteries died in the walkie talky half way thru
will be good to drive slow, that way can have convo's between cars... (shouting out of windows)
that reminds me should check out cashy's and see if they have any walkie talkies..
cya bam..
i will be there friday night too.. cant wait i hope that it is better than that midnighter a couple of weeks back...
i have to do more cardio i think, been back to the gym abotu a month now and i aint lost weight!
i am gonna nick off early so i can go to the gym...
dunno if pillar mounts are illegal, only if they block your vision i guess. I am mounting my guage on the pillar soon.
i did it all with some help from a mate at his house. Doing the pineapples on tuesday nigt. All i need now is a wheel alignment, got nice camber on the front tho cause of the camber bolts.
nup didnt win 19 mill, wish that i did!! car would be off the road and my daily driver would be a GTR!!
my car is low now, scrapes... but i still dont think that it is low enuf...