hey guys, an update on the skidpan day,
the date is now set to the 14th of march and will be an afternoon session (1pm - 5:30pm or so) however, i need to pay a 50% deposit to secure it though.
the cost is now $120 due to a rise in the group booking for the skidpan ($1200 for 10 people)
You can pay by a direct deposit into my bank account or coming out on fridays to the museum ( i'll be coming out again this week )
my bank account details are
Name: Mr Doan Hai Dang Nguyen
BSB: 06 2912
Acc number: 1016 4233
The current list of people
Name Paid Confirmed
1. Dan Yes Yes
2. Mainyard No No
3. Random_I_Am (Pat) No No
4. Danmac No No
5. Michael (Mikey1st) No Yes
6. John (Mr n15 pulsar) No No
7. Chris (Datamine) No No
8. Daniel No Yes
9. Josie No Yes
10. Reece (Turismo) No No
please remember to add your forum user name as a reference and to also send the username in a PM to me so i can check who's paid.
hope to see you guys on the pan soon