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Everything posted by zZzDanzZz

  1. hey guys this is the current list of people going. still 2 spots free (possibly a 3rd but awaiting confirmation) Name Paid Confirmed --------------------------------------------- 1. Dan Yes Yes 2. 3. Random_I_Am (Pat) Yes Yes 4. Maclean Cherry Yes Yes 5. Michael (Mikey1st) No Yes 6. John (Mr n15 pulsar) Yes Yes 7. 8. Daniel No Yes 9. Josie Yes Yes 10. Saad No No
  2. the payment deadline is the 28th of february for anyone who has not paid yet. will be transferring the money to fifthgear motoring the day after that.
  3. hey reaper, the skidpan is located at the Sutton driver training center just outside of quyenbean. cost is $120 if we have 10 people. also an update, there are still 2 spots due to people dropping out so get in quick
  4. another update, there is one spot left due to someone dropping out
  5. just an update guys, the deadline to pay for the skidpan is the 28th of February, but no one has paid yet. if you can no longer make it PM me asap
  6. try adding Rip_Van_Winkle666 , thats my steam name lol yea i got over the whole dedicated servers thing real quick when i used the AC130 to mow down the other team
  7. hey man good to see you're keen for the skidpan again . is the new suspension in?
  8. i dont mind the lack of dedicated servers anymore. sure it sucks sometimes but its not all too bad. my in game name is Potato Sauce. love the FAL with a holo sight
  9. ok, it seems the skidpan will now be a morning session. still on the 14th of march though. sorry for the mix up
  10. also can a mod change the title to "skidpan day 14th of March" ? i cant modify my original post
  11. hey guys, an update on the skidpan day, the date is now set to the 14th of march and will be an afternoon session (1pm - 5:30pm or so) however, i need to pay a 50% deposit to secure it though. the cost is now $120 due to a rise in the group booking for the skidpan ($1200 for 10 people) You can pay by a direct deposit into my bank account or coming out on fridays to the museum ( i'll be coming out again this week ) my bank account details are ========================= Name: Mr Doan Hai Dang Nguyen BSB: 06 2912 Acc number: 1016 4233 ========================= The current list of people Name Paid Confirmed --------------------------------------------- 1. Dan Yes Yes 2. Mainyard No No 3. Random_I_Am (Pat) No No 4. Danmac No No 5. Michael (Mikey1st) No Yes 6. John (Mr n15 pulsar) No No 7. Chris (Datamine) No No 8. Daniel No Yes 9. Josie No Yes 10. Reece (Turismo) No No please remember to add your forum user name as a reference and to also send the username in a PM to me so i can check who's paid. hope to see you guys on the pan soon
  12. the current list Name Paid Confirmed --------------------------------------------- 1. Dan Yes Yes 2. Mainyard No No 3. Random_I_Am (Pat) No No 4. Danmac No No 5. Michael (Mikey1st) No No 6. John (Mr n15 pulsar) No No 7. Chris (Datamine) No No 8. Daniel No No 9. Josie No Yes 10. Reece No No
  13. i should be good for it. but be prepared for my awesome tailshaft bearing squeek
  14. ok so i now have enough interest for the skidpan. is mid march (14th or 21st) a good date for people? i'm only going to be doing one session as the twin session thing last time was a nightmare to organise
  15. 26B.... End thread?
  16. awesome, looks like i'll be booking a session sometime in march
  17. hey guys, just an EOI now for a skidpan day sometime in february or march next year. anyone interested? it'll be on a sunday as well. the session will most likely be a morning session, but if theres enough genuine interest, i can book both morning and afternoon sessions. anyway, post in here if you're keen on a skidpan day and i'll start organising another one cheers, Dan
  18. time for a change of pants me thinks
  19. nope thats all the pics. couldnt get more in between going to get the parts, and having my head under the bonnet.
  20. lol no idea about the supra pics as i was in the car most of the time the supra was out there. dunno if eiji took pics of the supra or not either. there might be someone on canberra cruises with pics of it
  21. http://s143.photobucket.com/albums/r158/MR_R31/ piccies
  22. try jap world spares in sydney, i got my R33 GTST calipers there for $180 a pair, and they work perfectly
  23. almost went unnoticed nah too much exam study and worrying about my car lol
  24. whoops forgot theo's R33 lol haha yea im hoping i havent seized the engine cause it wasn't cranking over last night. but the battery was very low as well, as my headlights were very very dim, so im hoping a jump start will get it going again.
  25. MUST..... BUY.... GTR... WITH... 17... SUBS!!
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