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Everything posted by HKS_R34

  1. Will keep an eye out down Labrador way.. Sorry for your loss... hope you get her back soon.
  2. APEXi Power FC D-Jetro Power FC + Commander (New) Model: 414AN026 (including pressure sensors, harness and nipple) Car: Skyline BNR32/BCNR33 GTR (D-Jetro) (full AFM removal setup) Engine: RB26DETT $1800. Located on the Gold Coast, Pickup Preferred but will deliver at buyers expense. Contact details: 0421 320 526
  3. APEXi Power FC D-Jetro Power FC + Commander (New) Model: 414AN026 (including pressure sensors, harness and nipple) Car: Skyline BNR32/BCNR33 GTR (D-Jetro) (full AFM removal setup) Engine: RB26DETT $1800. This is BRAND NEW still in the box. Located on the Gold Coast, Pickup Preferred but will deliver at buyers expense. Contact details: 0421 320 526
  4. Forgot to mention, Its brand new still in the box... hasnt been opened.
  5. APEXi Power FC D-Jetro Power FC + Commander (New) Model: 414AN026 (including pressure sensors, harness and nipple) Car: Skyline BNR32/BCNR33 GTR (D-Jetro) (full AFM removal setup) Engine: RB26DETT $1800. Located on the Gold Coast, Pickup Preferred but will deliver at buyers expense. Contact details: 0421 320 526
  6. wooops sorry your right, didnt quite look at the front properly.
  7. that looks like a TRIAL body kit to me!
  8. do you have a website for that company.. or is it the motorbike company? the injectors to suit Harley Davidson?
  9. tryed msg'n you and pm'n no reply!!
  10. mainly the scratches can come from the sponge you use when washing the car. I use mostly all autoglym products as they seem to be the best I have used. The autoglym car wash, follwed with the Ultra Deep Shine, then the super resin polish. Gets all those scratches and swirls right out.
  11. well not precisely, was the z tune stlye carbon china made? As a lot of them haven't been crash tested and don't meet crash tests. Give BLITZ a call. If i was in your case, i would put the original on and take it to get complied clear defect. Then wack back on the ztune style. If you get pulled over next time just show them the paper work.
  12. thanks guys, still haven't found a 100% answer,
  13. okay thanks guys, well the problem is that i had already bought the rail, as the sponsor had told me i was able to fit any aftermarket gtr injectors with them. As I already have gtr injectors spare and i thought that it would be much easier to do and less costly. Anyone out there can confirm??
  14. sorry was ment to say FROM a r33 rb25det/26dett
  15. Just a quick question, is it possible to fit injectors for an r33 rb25det/rb26dett into my neo using the hks fuel rail? or must I use injectors that only suit my rb25 neo engine? As the sponsor i bought the HKS fuel rail from, said that i can use topfeed injectors from a GTR 33 into my r34 rb25det NEO. Other people i have asked said that it is not possible, however this sponsor is pretty reputable so i am stumped.
  16. haha, nah not a fan of bomex, bit to much happening for my liking.... Come across any other engine parts give me a yell.
  17. thanking you.....
  18. received them today... thanks vish
  19. thanks everyone for attending.
  20. Il take the eyelids!...
  21. oh well, there loss.
  22. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ha...ga-t246413.html
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