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Everything posted by HKS_R34

  1. didnt you use to rock a gtr badge on your 34?
  2. Cheers guys
  3. Hey guys i just need some feedback from people using this clutch?? Is it a good street clutch?? Il be pushing around the 270kw, soon and want a clutch that is going to last me and is streetable. I have used the exedy ceramicmetallic 3puk and if the comments aren't good about the super single will prob use that as the alternative. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
  4. Hey guys as title says, im after a powerfc for my r34 gt-t neo. Had a power fc lined up from my workshop. However it has issues and will need to get sent off to japan to get fixed, and I cant be f**ked waiting that long. Pm me if you have one for sale, Cheers Darren.
  5. damn nice plates.
  6. Il take it.. If you COD it to Gold Coast. Still waiting on the pictures.
  7. also would like pics. Please pm me
  8. someone aint getting loving for a while
  9. Hey all, just got a quick question. Anyone used el chepo cam gears eg. racespec cam gears? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Rb...rs-t225850.html also is it safe to say that the gt-rs produces around 250-260kw? on a r34 gtt with all supporting mods.
  10. okay thanks heaps for your opinions guys. I prob will go something abit smaller then. and yes it is a hks version.
  11. Hi guys, i just want your opinions on what you think a t04r would go like on an Neo Rb25det?? At the moment it has a stock bottom end which will later be forged down the track and it is mainly a street driven car, do you its too big? Cheers, any comments will be greatly apprieciated.
  12. that guy cruiser's the spit and surfers nearly every weekend.
  13. keep spotting this white, r34 with some tribal graphics on the boot, no wing. Gold Coast. you on here??
  14. Okay can anyone tell me how to take the headlight out?? I tryed taking the bolts visable, which I think are 4 along the top. Is there a bolt inside the guard/front bar? the inside seamed to come off easily, however woudlnt come out because im thinking there is a bolt under the front guard??
  15. Sorry for the late reply, Yeah its definatly water inside the headlight, as I can see where the water has dried up inside haha, and it has started to go yellow from the inside. That would be great mate, will wait for the DIY before I tear it apart.
  16. might just need a good cut and polish mate. i would take it to a proper detailer to get a second opinion.
  17. Hey guys, Just wondering if any one has taken apart the r34 head lights?? mine has some condensation inside the lights and im just wondering if they are as easy to take apart as the S13 head lights?? With the s13 head lights you can just drop them in Hot water or put them in the Oven for a while to losen the glue which hold the front plastic bit to the actually headlight. Then you can just pull them apart. Has anyone tryed doing this with the R34 head lights?? Any Help would greatly be apprieciated. Cheers D.
  18. +1 f*kn thief alright. Wouldnt trust that flamin mongrel with any of my cars again. His gone in hiding i have herd.
  19. family tonight...
  20. very nice mate. might go with those offsets.
  21. ^^^^ hope your right, because im gonna go with that info
  22. My current wheel specs are 18x 8.5 and 18 x 9.5 offset +32 (not 100%) tho. Im running stock suspension at the moment, but will be upgrading to Zeals later down the track.
  23. yeah making this thread is real MATURE!
  24. Anyone know?? would like to order these asap...
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