Dash vents good condition - Passanger $100, Middle $50
Front brakes/hubs - Brakes $250 Hubs $150
Bonnet, front guards, doors, boot - Bonnet $100, Guards $150, Doors $150 (inc glass motors) each
Aircon setup - $100 Lines, pump, consdensor ect
Radiator - $50
Glass/windscreen, rear window ect - Front $150, Rear $130
Rear Brakes - $150
Clutch Master - $100
Manual Pedals - $200 (Clutch and Brake)
Carpet - $100
Dash - $100
Rear Seats - $70
Boot, with spoiler holes - $70
Shell (Can be fixed, just needs rear reo, rear bar, tail lights, and abit of straightening on a rack) $500
ALL ONO, theres probs heaps more. PM or Call for details