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Everything posted by XEQTOR

  1. He needs 4 years just to cut the rust out of the body and unseize the dinosaur engine!!! Then there will be the wait on the parts....cause "We havent made them since the 1970's". And in 4 years time will they still have leaded petrol!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  2. Boosted>>> I will be there Sat morning to lay down a hefty deposit.
  3. TOP SCORE!!!!! Me thinks I might go pull mine apart now and see what surprises await me!!!!!!!! (More than likely it will be that one left over bolt/screw that ya can never seem to find where it goes)
  4. Yeah it was sat morn. All the days just blend after awhile for me, it was my third nite shift so dtaes/days become irrelevent!
  5. I changed from Heath Lambert to Famous. My premium had gone up $1000 in 2 years with no claims and rating 1 clean history with Lambert. Famous have been great thus far!!!! Cheaper premium with better cover, excellent customer service and received everything in the mail 3 days after the policy started!!!!
  6. $200 deposit coming up!!!!!!! And, i hope you got a heap of spare bars out there incase of slippage!!! LMAO
  7. ZERO.......... I will be fitting mine when I get it. I will be doing it at my brothers place on the central coast, as the guy he lives withs brother has a hoist at his workshop 5mins drive from there house if we need it!. Im willing to help ya if you trust me with cutting implements!!!
  8. So true! Im living proof that YOU CAN DRIFT a diesel traction controlled intercooled garrett turbo mercedes van/ice cream truck!!!! Ahhhh, but the old days of the F series.....................................i need a video camera mounted on the dash....then again maybe not!!!!
  9. So what gives Carlo???? Sun morn bout 130am, you got pole position at the lights on Pac Hwy at St Leonards near RNSH. I come out from the RNSH lights, notice ya, give ya a wave and honk the horn irratically and...you ignore me????!!! hahahahaha Or were you thinking,"who is this idiot driving the ambulance honking stupidly at!! " Next time I guess ill have to swerve at ya, light everything up and put the siren on to get ya attention perhaps!! Skyzer was looking neat BTW. Did i miss another cruise??????? :(
  10. XEQTOR


    Hmmmmmmmmm............maybe hollow them out and insert bricks perhaps?? Who we gunna give the Pink Pages too??? hahahaha
  11. XEQTOR


    PuppaDuck..........Thats a fat idea!!!! I will even volunteer the exclusive use of my vehicle as long as I can go in for the bust with them, armed with phone books and all!!!!!!!!
  12. I will get out to unique early next week and put down a deposit. How much required?
  13. PHUCK ME!! Another one!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to hear bout it, i will keep my eyes posted...again!!! Was it in a garage, alarm???? Im gettin the feeling there is someone out there either building up a R33 or selling parts cheap!!!! The phucker better not run into me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theyve been warned!
  14. Blitz....... So what total cost am i looking at now? Looking at purchasing in next 2 weeks.
  15. Definately interested in the 90mm thick beast with piping kit. Pick up. I keep my eye out on here for final prices etc...
  16. XEQTOR


    When I first moved into the place im at now, our garages were getting broken into on a regular basis. The only thing i was worried bout was them scratching my kid parked down there, so now, $90 later, if the door is even remotely jarred open it trips a silent alarm, waking or alerting me upstairs so I can stroll down and dish out some real street justice. Happened once, found a guy snooping downstairs, flashed my wallet badge and asked him for ID, stoopid prick gave me everything I needed to know about him too! Dont know whether it was the badge or an accompnaying piece of equipment, but we have had no problems ever since!!!!!!!
  17. Cant make it unforetunately. My Neuro wants to do another 6monthly MRI scan which means i get an injection of this shit that makes me dizzy as all ****!! So i will be stuck in newie from the sounds of things for the night!! SPEWIN!!!!
  18. If I get back from Newcastle in time after my Neurosurgeon appointment I will be there. All depends on that at this stage.
  19. Only thing missing was those swedish teens! LMAO Great nite!!!!
  20. Damn, working Fri nite. But thats ok, I dont mind working Fri nites anyways, I have my reasons! LOL Wouldnt mind the run now the Profec is in!!!! Oh, BTW, I am aquiring a FULL Paramedic kit that will be kept in the boot god forbid we ever need it, but piece of mind none the less!!
  21. I had the same problem not long after putting the aftermarket BOV on. it was fine for awhile (bout a week) then it started stalling same as you guys. I found that it did it more often with the headlights on, so I got the battery checked and "apparrntly" it was farked, (I think it was the OG battery too! LMAO) Once I replaced the battery it didnt do it again!?!?!?!?! Got me buggered !!!! BTY, got a digital voltmeter thingy wired in, and its quite amazing just to see how much differnece there really is in the way of voltage supply whilst driving in traffic, from 11.4V - 14.4 !
  22. Mac33r---- true dat and Amen !! Only if it was a wife it would be bad! And i dont plan on getting married for a long time yet! hahahahahaha
  23. Geez guys, Im alittle worried bout you all hooking me up with these women now! hahahahaha
  24. Carlo, was that you In the red beast this morn i flashed and waved too was it?? I was hardly awake after nite shift!!
  25. BY BY!! Long time no see!! Yeah I will be there with turbo whistling! There will be me and the g/f and my lil sis!! I know where the place is, done many a prang near that place! LOL Check ya then!!! The X
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