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  • Birthday 07/05/1979

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    my r33 still hot

    had her for four years and its still one of the best lookin factory standard r33s in oz
  2. sounds like airflow sensor see if you can borrow one to test
  3. I cant belive how inept your first mehcanic must be changing a rb timming belt takes like an hour max and is one of the easyest timming belts to change "id hate to see that guy try a twin cam v6" you should post his name or business name so others dont make the same mistake... maybe we should start a bodgie backyarder thread or somthing so we can list all these half assed grease monkeys
  4. man thats awsome i was stoked when i found a jap lighter and pack of smokes in mine i keep them on the bar as a momento first thing tomorrow im goin right through it ..... ps were is this flare ment to be located and what the hell is it ment to be used for "i recon road rage would be a whole lot more fun if flares were standard in all cars"
  5. found out yesterday when i went to get parts for the 200zr that its rarer than i thought as its a two seater after a bit of research i found out they made about 600 200 or so were 2 seaters .. it looks a whole lot better now to as ive fitted r32 gtr front brakes and some better rims rego next month as the r33s due in 2 weeks and it comes first then its off for hilclimbs and maybe some drift i will post some new pics when i get a chance keep ya posted
  6. nice how many kw with the t04
  7. i could have just bought a silvia but everyones got them and i have to be differnt plus would still have to do the rb conversion!
  8. thanx i found out today there is a few in tas & sa but not many in nsw i didnt go much on the shape when i first saw it but bought it anyway as i was looking to build a s12 gazelle with a rb25det buying this was cheeper as its already 5 stud hubs r200 diff rb20det & irs and no engineering runs well has 145000 on the clock just needs a quick visit to the panel shop "someone kicked the side" then rego and then all the usual mods 32 gtr brakes and coilovers.. keep u all posted
  9. last night i brought a nissan 200zr "i never even new they existed till last week" its basicly a z31 300zx with a rb20det looks a bit funny at first but i think the shape is growing on me what do ya's recon is it a ya or a naa?
  10. i realy dont think its the coils as they cuase a miss when faulty not a back fire your on the right track when you say its running rich back fires are caused when engine is to lean or to rich or the timming is out its most likly an air leak your air flow meter or fuel pump
  11. do you know if these would fitt a r33 gtst also where are you located
  12. hey mate to me it dosnt sound like it would be coil packs or spark plugs more likly the fuel pump or air flow meter where do you live? do you know some one that can check the diognostic codes in your ecu?
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