Hey guys done a search already, I doubt that it’s the coil pack but I’m open to suggestions!
Anyways haven’t given my car a decent boots for about 4 weeks. Sat night been perfect turbo weather I gave it a nice flog on the freeway entrance. I found that originally at 6k it wouldn’t really want to free rev (engine was warm 30min of driving). After one or 2 redlines it was fine. Now it doesn’t really backfire but at full boost at 7plus rpm it makes mid backfire on gear changes(release of the throttle). Not really worried as they are mild and doesn’t happen at 5k but any suggestion? Spark plugs changed 10k ago with quality iridium
Hopefully going track soon, and I want it running 100% perfect! Btw my car runs pretty rich stock, no smoke but I smell it sometime (rather it rich than lean)! I guess most people have simular issues?
Is there a way to reset the ecu I think its stuck in granny mode lol