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Everything posted by dangerous_daveo

  1. Few other things to think about. An R34 GTR at the NEWEST is going to be what 6 years old? They really arent pratical in any way, if we are going to be 100% realistic, no 2 door car is. Not if you have friends or stuff to put places at least. A new car is obviously new, and has a warrenty etc. More safety. But you will be reluctent to mod it more than wheels and maybe a stereo. Also, for that sort of money, I'd be looking around a fair bit more as to what else is out there. R36 passat would spring to mind... They have more interior space, a bigger boot, more safety, more kit, awd, and better economy that either a falcon or a GTR. And resale I dare say would be better than the both as well. There are obviously other cars for that money both new and 2nd hand. I wouldn't limit yourself.
  2. Might sound silly, but two things. Are all the contacts clean, as in cableing etc. Also, are there actually springs, or something in the coil pack touching the spark plug? If not springs from pens are about the right size
  3. Apparently they come in white... I've got a DSG in the Jetta too. Dead set, people who say 'oh so its an auto' are just shocked when you take them for a drive. Either way, its a only 3.6L NA 6... They are insane cars.
  4. So when and where? I got share trading thursday night. Finishes at 8 or something.
  5. You got a Jeep... And one of those Jeeps... Marks on the VW tho.
  6. They are damn cool cars hey. I know a couple of people with them, and yeah. They had previously R32 golfs of GTI golfs, and they said this thing just leaves it behind in every possible way. DSG is god.
  7. Welllll Now have road worthy cert. Has 2 brand new dunlop sport maxx tyres on the rear ($500) Brand new battery And is getting the few small rather picky things the roadworthy guy picked up on fixed right now. I now own a VW Jetta, and the ride in the Ceffy is pretty damn good compairing it to that, especially given the extent of mods to the Cef. So this is a well modified car that you can drive every day in comfort, and then come the weekend go ball tearing around your local track.
  8. Queensland is a wee bit bigger than little Victoria Funky. Seems the roadworthy didnt pick on too much. So I should be right to at least rock up say hi. Its going to need a run anyway!
  9. Hmm. Mine will be most probably in the mechanics getting stuff fixed for the road worthy... I'll just bring the Jetta. Its still a 4 door
  10. Yeah mate, its up on NS, under the qld forsale section. Thanks for passing on details.
  11. Well I was quite impressed. As someones already said the pull out of some of the slower corners is insane. Hamond and May really did sum it up though. They did still keep calling it a Datsun, even though its not built like one etc, that is still going to be the way a lot of people will view it. Either way, bloody fast, and by far the most livable car in the top 10.
  12. Ahhh but what to do to reduce your blind spot! Just adjust your mirrors so you cant actually see the rear door handles (like your driving instructor would have told you to do) just so you cant see your own car in your mirrors. Works wonders, does take a littl getting used to.
  13. LoL, my mrs said. Why did you get blue...
  14. Really I wanted an R36 passat. But they cost HEAPS more.
  15. Cause spending hiding spending $10k by spending more money always works Tops points to you anyway dude. You are a far braver man than dare I say it anyone else on here!
  16. But are you ahead of your mrs. I'm not the one to be worried about!
  17. Also, don't forget to clear you internet history! Better she thinks your looking up porn than finding out about this!
  18. Well I went for a 2 hour test drive on a Saturday morning 2nd last weekend of the financial year. Go for a decent drive. Take it up some hills, thru the city, etc. That, or buy my Cefiro
  19. Well for me, I wanted a boot. So it really came down to the Jetta or the Mondeo turbo (only came in manual so it went out). That and the boot is HUGE! I mean you really dont notice it until you see it in real life. You could fit a small african nation in there! I mean the GTI is a harder car, after the cef I wanted something not too distant, but softer. Other thing I wanted the DSG. So the same speced golf came out costing more, for really less car. And yeah, with a chip they are nuts. Like 185kw and 420nm. With those figures over the same or better rev range it would be just wrong.
  20. LOL! Dude, you are either going to get hardcore axed, or live very happily ever after! Either way, go spend a heap on an R/C helicopter. She'll go nuts running around the house trying to stop you breaking everything with it and won't even notice the car gone!
  21. Hi all. This is the reason for the Ceffy being for sale (did I mention my ceffy is for sale?) Just want to say thanks to the guys on here that helped with some financial direction, partictuarly EvoCam, who was extremly helpful. Anyway PICS! PS, for those who dont know. Top model VW Jetta. GTI motor (280nm 1800-5000rpm, 147kw 5200-6000rpm), dsg gearbox standard, and a boot that is bigger than a commodore or a falcon, or a camary, or a 380... 0-100 7.2secs. 8L per 100kms combind cycle. I'm quite happy with it. Just going to get a nice sub, and an amp to give some more guts to the front stage.
  22. So, have you actually been issued with a notice to appear in court?
  23. Even funnier to see him give you your licence then you have to walk home as you're not allowed to drive the turbo
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