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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Yep, typoon #23 is over us now in Osaka... not looking good apparently 4 people missing and 20 injured.
  2. Plasma RB20s came out with the R31/32 Skyline, C32 Laurel etc... the red top ones aswell. There are also Plasma VG30s, Plasma RB20Es... even a Plasma CA18S.... and... You're not going to BELIEVE what "PLASMA" means... "Powerful & economic Lightweight Accurate Silent Mighty Advanced" engine. I kid you not.
  3. Doesn't it look insane? The rims are quite wide (maybe 10 inch or so) but they use narrow tyres on them to get that stretched look... with some of the more extreme wheel width and tyre "narrowness" combo's they need inner tubes to keep the tyres inflated. The second last pic is a REALLY good example! Of course all this came about because "Yanki" (Japanese car freaks) try and outdo each other in car modifying. They have legit "gangs", and having those insane modifications are part of being in the gang... the leader often has the wildest car. Not sure why the use mid-80's Soarers and Mark II's as their choice of car though...
  4. Ah harrrr... that it will be me laddie... that it will be.
  5. Rezz

    Ikeri's thread.

    Peaky almost!! Ikeri, my house is narrow too! I have another friend, his name is Nao (and his girlfriend Chiaki) can they come to your house for Nabe too? So thats Troy, me, my wife Kayo, Ikeri, Ikeri's wife, Nao, and Noa's girlfriend Chiaki... is that ok? 7 people?
  6. Sorry mate, I don't live in Australia... and it's starting to show
  7. Right, but the maker could've used any term to describe the drivetrain for their car, but decided on 4WD... why was that?
  8. In the "GT-R Memorial" book (Japanese publication chronicling the life of the GT-R) is says the GT-R is *4WD*. I understand what you guys say about AWD, but that term isn't used in conjuction with GT-Rs in Japan. It's pretty simple, RWD has some disadvantages on track, the biggest being power on oversteer out of corners. 4WD was used in the GT-R simply to be able to get the power on ealier out of corners therefore reducing track times... and as what has already been stated, quicker lap times is what the GT-R is all about (without going to a MR platform for better weight distribution).
  9. Oh thanks for that... I completely didn't see the "GT-R" bit :Oops:
  10. If I may (but please slap me down a put me in my place if need be) give my honest opinion, Work Emotion CR Kai look very good on R32's in gunmetal. 18x8 front, 18x9 rear would look excellent.
  11. Rezz

    Whoretown Japan....

    mcnamg: the pool place where Troy and I used to go closed down! There're other pool places but we haven't been out for ages now... it's party season for us now in Osaka with Halloween, going away parties and the like.
  12. Osoi henji wa gomen nasai... Go nen gurai nihongo wo benkyou shiteiru koto arimasuyo. drift007 wa "Kansaijin de shaberu ga mechakucha hayai" to ita... sou to omouyo! Nihon no nouryoku shiken o mada toteimasen... jishin ga nai desu yo
  13. Rezz


    Hahaha... shuddup.
  14. Rezz


    Whoa.... just saw your edited post Daioni. Listen, I'm gonna lock this thread now, it's just getting too wierd. From now on, if anyone calls me names (or anyone else for that matter) a personal attack warning and 10 "warning points" will be issued.
  15. Rezz


    Yeah well first of all I didn't tell you to relax... don't know where that came from. I'm not being rude about it!! (wtf???) You seem to be dodging the fact that I'm talking about *other peoples viewpoints*. If your highly suprised about what OTHER PEOPLE THINK, then maybe you could spend your time better talking to them personally than citing me for weak mistakes on here. Why couldn't you have just asked "why did you say "rumour" Rezz?"... or is that too subordinate for you? Saying that I'm "starting to sound like a dickhead" when you won't let it go that I *may* have used rumour out of context just this once tells me that YOU have got something against me (and therefore more worthy of that phrase). Slight contradiction there perhaps?What do you think people? My hands moving towards the "personal attack" button...
  16. Rezz


    I don't think it's a rumour! Again, I don't get your point because by telling me it's a "dead-set reality" implies that I don't think Japan is expensive, which, as I said before (eg: getting raped on the weekend by tolls) couldn't be further from the truth. To make things simple, how many times have people said to you "I heard Japan was really expensive", then told you they'd rather go somewhere like Europe for that kind of money instead? This is what I meant by rumour. Go back and read what I posted and then realize that I'm not letting on that Japan is cheaper than a few years ago (or whatever). Worst conversation ever.
  17. Rezz


    I don't get the point you're trying to make? Or is that it... you think Japan is too expensive. If so, you don't need to tell me that mate... $30 in toll on Sunday speaks for itself.
  18. Rezz

    Ikeri's thread.

    I know nabe! I just had nabe for dinner... good idea Ikeri, lets have nabe At a restaurant?
  19. drunkenmaster: I have a WA drivers license, so those come with the "issue date" already stamped on it... easy.
  20. Rezz


    Actually Diaoni I posted that comment from a "first time visitor to Japan" point of view, many folks I talk to back home talk of visiting Japan now (they didn't, what, 5 years ago... citing cost as an excuse) but now it seems Japan is beginning to break free of that stereotype... even if it's actually true or not.
  21. No, no, no... sorry to do this to ya mate but this thread is locked. Do a search, I promise you that you'll find more info than you can poke a stick at.
  22. I got a hunch someone along the line changed the headlights/front bar etc... it's just a hunch though.
  23. Rezz

    Ikeri's thread.

    I hope you can get time off on the weekends Ikeri, I want to go on a cruise (driving - not boat!) with you, me and Troy... I want to hear your car hit 11,000 rpm!!!Here are some pics: Ikeri told me his AE86 has an AE111 20-valve engine conversion with cams, adjustable cam gears and computer with an effective powerband of 7,000 to 11,000 rpm!!! He says the engine doesn't last long though... Sorry no engine pics, Ikeri was working... next time! The carbon bonnet (what brand Ikeri?) didn't look so happy... it seems the clear coat is coming off, leaving just bare carbon fibre. The most suprising thing for me was that Ikeri's AE86 STILL has the factory sound system!!! It's a very clean example considering it's age... well done Ikeri
  24. Hahahaha touche
  25. Rezz


    Actually Dave, it wasn't that busy this time. When I went last time (just on 4 years ago) it was definately busier. This time there seemed to be a whole lot more foreigners too... I think the whole "Japan is really expensive" rumour is finally dieing off and people are actually seeing Japan as a legit holiday destination.
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