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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Beat you by one minute Gojira!!!
  2. Yeah... the wait is excrutiating! Once I almost lept out of my car yelling "Look, just get out and let me do it!!!!"
  3. Btw, no thrust bearing number...
  4. Ok, ok... very very quick translation (from left to right): Make, model number, engine number, year (built), transmission type, actuation type, Clutch series (or name), flywheel weight, clutch type, code number, price (price without tax in brackets), option, and "notes". Ok?
  5. Robaaaaaaato kun, "batsu" ga wakarimasuka?
  6. Robaaaaaaaato kun (hehe, like that one), Batsu man wa ore no eikaiwa no "masukotto" (mascot) mitai desu... sanshuukan mae ni totsuzen Batsu man no design o kangaeta.
  7. Hahaha! Chigauyo! "Bi-ru" ja nakute, tatemono no "biru" desuyo... chopobo: Makuhari Messe no biru wa JR no Makuhari eki no ichiban chikai no Tenjikaijyou desu. Mecha ooki tenjikaijyou desuyo ne... mitsukariyasui, zettai wakaruyo!
  8. "To suit most cars" they say... pffft, if you fit those on an R32, they'll look like they're sunk into the wheelarches, kinda like a an R32 GT-R with pumped guards with bicycle wheels on... Go for 4 stud 17x7 +32 front, 17x8 +30 rear. I guess the only prob would be finding a design you like. (btw, those wheels in the link look like FWD offset rims, around +40 offset... not good for RWD)
  9. Thats gotta be grounds to steal the Navi system out of his car???
  10. Aaah *cough* yeah... all the parts I buy are "for HCR32"...Your 'cooler isn't?
  11. Yeah go Wheels! What a logical comparison... family hack vs Group A legend
  12. It's a new record!!!!
  13. This one...
  14. All R33 Skyline GTS25-t's are Type M
  15. Rezz

    Tas 2005

    Sweet. Nick I'm there... are you 100% certain I can park at the hotel on the day? eeerm... free of charge?
  16. Hahaha! Omoshiroi! Sciby san ganbatte! Ima kara kantan na nihongo o hanashimashou ka?Ja, Ima doko desuka Sciby san?
  17. Toroi-kun , ima "mokari maka" no imi wa wakatteiru yo
  18. Sono bun wa chotto hantai ne...
  19. Ok... I'll see what I can do about this guys. I add something to my sig if it's something viable for me to get into. Just remember that I can only check cars on Sundays only and in Osaka city or Kobe only.
  20. I'm beginning to think this one may have had slight water damage.... during a typoon or something. I wonder what the interior smells like?
  21. D-Spec wheels (if you've seen them in real life) have a very special spoke design that, even though they have moderate offset (+30), they look like the spokes are dished right into the center of the wheel, almost like they have +0 offset (a la Volk TE37s for AE86). The LM GT4s only look "+0 offset deep spoke" style when they are for GT-R offsets/widths. Usually for GTS-ts and GTS25-ts the GT4s look fairly ordinary. Don't bag me for that comment, I see GT4s ALOT and I don't fancy them so much anymore.
  22. TAS no basho wa TOKYO desuyo... (demo Makuhari Messe no tokoro wa Chiba ni Tokyo yori chikai to omoimasu.)
  23. Mokari makaaaa no tango wa Kayo chan ga zen zen wakaranakatta...
  24. I don't know why I didn't think of this before!!! Ok, first a few rules: 1) No Kanji, Katakana or Hiragana script. It's likely most people won't be able to read the more difficult Kanji (95%), and I don't want guys coming on here and using Babelfish to just translate any old crap and copy n paste... lets use our heads! 2) Keep it clean. I don't want all you guys testing out the latest "Chin-chin" joke or seeing how many parts of the female anatomy you can say in Japanese. 3) This is more of a thread to help people LEARN MORE JAPANESE, so please keep topics easy and not too complicated. Maintain the flow so peeps of all levels can have input. Ok???? Ja, ikimashou!! e? Boku wa saki ni itte hoshii? eetoohh... hhhhsssssssshhh [/sucks teeth] Minna, kyou nani o shiteta? Kyou, jyuuni ji kara kuji made shigoto atta... mmmmmmmmecha omoshirokatta yo! Shigoto de wa takusan onnanohito no gakusei o oshieteimasu kara! Minna wa?
  25. coc69: I see you don't have the center support bar on your car:
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