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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Dunc you know which "true" N1s he's talking about?... he's talking about the 55mil yen homologation ones... ab-so-****in-lutely the ultimate R32 GT-R from factory. But for my money I'd agree with you, Vspec II for sure :aroused:
  2. Oooh, ooh, ooh, can I answer Mr Cotter? Oooh, ooh, ooh!
  3. Rezz

    Tas 2005

    Looks like I'm gonna be the only mofo there with a car... afaik Troy is sending the Evo5 back around that time. Dave? Wanna bring your 34 too?
  4. Guys, I've read all the posts here, and I concur to a degree, but: a) I believe how well you can *drive* (not just a performance car but all cars) depends almost entirely on MATURITY. How many guys on their P's right now can swear black and blue that they are mature? Maturity provides the basis for all actions, for everything. Accessing the situation and acting in a mature way while driving takes alot of experience and, dare I say, maturity... something which - obviously - can only occur after many years. B) Whos to say the deceased didn't egg the driver on? Whose to say the deceased weren't playing with the stereo (whatever) when the crash occured? Sure, the driver was "in control" of the vehicle before impact, but it's quite possible that the deceased played a part in their own deaths. I can only imaging the scene inside that Skyline before the crash, and this kinda shinanigans goes on every weekend all over Australia. I'll go out on a limb here... after living over 4 years in Japan and seen many a young fool driving high powered cars here, the per capita incedence of under 25 year old automotive fatalities is almost non-existent in the media. Then look at a place like Australia... it seems almost every youngster on his P's thinks he's a fuggin' HERO behind the wheel or not... almost like they've got this fake idea that "Oooh, those Japs drift on the street and dragrace and sh*t... teh cops over there are sooo coool!!!11!" Bullsh*t. Young drivers in Japan have overall more respect for authority. Fullstop. Theres your answer. Not suprised with the negative press at all.
  5. Just to add to what Nick said, even I have had issues with companies (ie: Blitz, M2, Work) not having stock on hand... and I live in Japan!!! Yes, this gear I ordered was for my personal car... cancelled now because Blitz in particular quoted end of October for delivery (LM 'cooler)
  6. Rezz

    Mid Night Club

    My mate Kouta (soon to be on a 3 month study program in Perth) knows where the Tsuruhashi/Nara racers meet coz thats how he smashed his car - midnight racing! ... all Civics, Roadsters and Integras though...
  7. I remember seeing this WRX wagon drifting at Nanko in Osaka over 4 years ago!!!! It's still alive! It's driven by a chick btw... ...oh, and I love the Chaser headlight conversion...
  8. Rob, in all your pics, you look really happy to be there, like this ---> I'm sad, I just don't any 'genki' power these days...
  9. SuperAutobacs: more like an "Autobarn" but eleventy billion times better (and better staffed!) The prices vary from RRP - recommended retail to 10 - 15% off new prices... they often do this to move stagnant stock. SuperAutobacs stocks new gear, but they do have "used" stores called "Autobacs Seco-han Ichiba" which only deal with near-new or used parts (sometimes very cheap stuff eg: my alloy wheels, SAU member "Mooks" Kei Office coil overs) Hi Anthony! Where are your pic of your Osaka trip? Up Garage: basically the same as "Autobacs Seco-han Ichiba" used parts stores. The prices vary from decent to quite cheap. The general condition of their parts I'd class as near-new... depends on what you're looking for eg: coil overs sometimes have quite noticable wear, as do some of the wheels/tyres and seats and aero kits for that matter. You WON'T get ripped of if you choose carefully on Yahoo Japan auctions or look around Up Garage, Crystal (Tokyo) or Autobacs Seco-han Ichiba.
  10. Thats right, the sticking out is illegal. You have to run some sort of wheelarch extension or pump the guards. Same as in AU right? But guys here (as you probably know already) just ignore the law and put on crazyass widths.
  11. Running a bit of camber? Whats your offset? It looks sweet btw
  12. coco69: It's amazing what the right offset does! I would've said 10-inch would never fit, widest would be 9.5 inch on the rear, but your car proved me wrong (even if they do stick out a bit). I've got 9-inch on the rear: And with +32 offset, the rim actually sticks out slightly. If it wasn't for the slightly stretched tyres (245/45/17) it'd be illegal... in Japan that is. ***The Japanese wheel manufacturers officially quote a maximum width of 8 inch wide wheels for the back of an R32 and 7 inch on the front!!! I for one couldn't accept 7 inch wide wheels... not after 3 or 4 previous FWD cars with them.
  13. Hahaha thats gold!!! I've seen that once... the guy was like "what the fuuuuuuuuuuck!" then "..... oh."
  14. They don't say "Debido", Dave? They say "Debito"? The "to" and "do" I thought would be easy, but I guess anythings possible! I for one can never recall being called "Jasutin chan" either... and whenever there were teenage girls around, they had at least a little respect for the guys by not calling them "... chan" unless it was a joke or not being serious...? Even to Japanese guys... Anyways... I get called "Ji-ya-s-tin"... hahaha pretty boring! Troy: I'm majorly hungover... cheers for footing the taxi fare
  15. Google is your friend There ya go matey... should keep you busy for a while. (0% Japanese ability was expended and no one was injured in the above search)
  16. Japanese websites don't usually send internationally... thats why guys like "Nengun", "Greenline" (do a search, theres about eleventy billion threads already, posted at a rate of about 763 a month, all asking the same question) can stay in business. Thats a bit open to interpretation? I take it you only want to get "slightly ripped off", rather than "bent over"?
  17. Not bad Daioni... it's "Shonan" in Kanagawa prefecture! It's the local area around the towns shown in the map below: http://kobe.cool.ne.jp/harag/div_map/shonan.html
  18. Dude... easy with the "small town" questions k?... you'd think Japan was just one main street with a population of 684!
  19. Girls almost always use "chan" to other girls if they know each other, but change that to "san" (after their family name) if they don't know the other. I'd say if someone used "chan" after a guys name, its almost always for a toddler/young boy... if it's used for an older mature guy it must either be as an office joke, insult, or he's gay and is down with the whole feminine thing... (but I agree with Troy, "Glen-chan" rolls much better than "Glen-kun" so that'd be an exeption)
  20. This syllables = numbers system is used in advertising alot when the company tries to attach a catchy phase to theri corresponding phone number... the one I remember most is: "mi-ni-yo-ku-tsu-ku" (324929) for the number for NOVA...
  21. Aaaah, I could be mistaken, but I remember someone saying the black plate with yellow writing is registered as a commercial vehicle...
  22. Alright then... I've got "501", whats the "1" signify?
  23. The plates look similar so do I know him??? No offence, but that is one of the wierder questions I've been asked! But, the resolution of that pic isn't so good, so I can't even make out the kanji on the plate so I can't even tell you where in Japan that car is/was registered (and I emphasise "was"). Who knows?
  24. I love the oldskool "bubble economy" era Volk Racing Group C Europe rims Dave... did you keep them?
  25. I'm assuming you are cool with paying $500+ for freight on top of the price of the tireless wheels from Japan? If you're not, let me know and I won't bother "giving myself something to do"...
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