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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Yep, just wanna echo what Daioni said... number/hiragana combo... thats all no special meaning.
  2. SuperAutobacs stock black LM GT4s... oh, aaaaah... thats not really of any help is it... Dave, Daioni: I take it both your R33s were RB20E powered?
  3. All wine red R32 mechanical failures will be directed to Lee-san c/o Mitsubishi Rolling Stock Division...
  4. Can't we have a meet in Nagoya? You know... half way?
  5. Troy and I went for a cruise out to Itami airport on Sunday: Damn those Lancers are huge up against Skylines!
  6. The pics I'd been waiting for!!! That looks awesome Dave... I was actually going to get Work Emotions too (like I said at TAS in January) but opted for the Desmond Regamasters... they were just too cheap One sweet looking GTV But the winner is: DCD! Goddam it, your 34 looks incredible... luv the Volk bronze against the Bayside blue!
  7. heh-hahaha! You noticed...... I'm not responsible for that, I've since tried to pry said badge off to no avail...
  8. hehehehe... Lukas, thats a different "Endless"! Endless (the tuning garage) aren't in anyway afilliated with Endless/Zeal (braking and tuning parts company).
  9. By 'Hollywood image' I guess you mean like the Yakuza in movies like 'Black Rain'?I'm not gonna pretend that I know Yakuza, the closest I ever came to talking to one was when I was in an "Onsen" (Japanese bath) and we were all crowded down one end of the bath, while this Yakuza dude was sitting up the other end all by himself... like royalty or something! But from what I've gathered: - They do have tatoos that cover their entire backs, I think when they start out it's just a small tat, and the long serving Yakuza have full back work done (over many years). - The Yamaguchi-gumi in Kobe are quite "high class" compared to movie Yakuza... the Yamaguchi guys AFAIK one of the oldest gangs, and most established. All business suits and Mercedes Benzes or Toyota Crowns, they also seem to keep very much to themselves and are "seen but not heard". - They used to cut off fingers *when they left the Yakuza*... not as an initiation or anything. I don't think they do it anymore, all though I have met a pinkyless bar owner!!! He said he didn't used to be Yakuza, although the tatoo line around his neckline and the cut off little finger gave it away! - They do recieve "protection money" from various business owners (especially down by the port in Kobe) but it's all business... all most like goverment taxes... part of having a business in Kobe I guess. - They movie Yakuza are dreaded tough guys who walk around with "I'm gonna kill you" looks on their faces, carrying weapons etc, whereas in Kobe at least, they are quite civil and respectful... even to foreigners! People on the street don't seem to mind them either! But every so often I do hear of corruption and other non-violent crime involving Yakuza from time to time... usually to do with prostitution or drugs. The other Japan residents can probably shed more light on the subject...
  10. I took these pics this morning... I was very impressed with the work done by JAM Body Service (I'll post up what I had done in the Photo Diary) and was wondering, could the Japan residents post up pics of their cars? (if it ain't got a Jap number plate, don't post it! ) ...mine...
  11. Rezz


    Thanks Polski, I added your post to the "Super Japan Links" thread
  12. Neither do Australians... except for maybe Simmons.
  13. Hehehe! PWND! The kaji (Japanese character) for "Osaka" in that link is wrong!It should be "大阪".... ... Geez they should've checked with the Japan forum before making that website!
  14. Please don't post up pics... it'll make me cry
  15. From what I've seen (and I've spent the majority of my time in Japan in Kobe, home to the "Yamaguchi-gumi", the largest Yakuza group in Japan), the Yakuza don't really modify their cars... they just get around in the biggest black sedans from Japan or Germany that they can find... with single digit number plates of course. As for VIP, Umeda in Osaka is a good place to see some crazy VIP style on Fridays and Saturdays, and I'd agree, the younger guys do get around in older Celsiors and Presidents, and tend to be more extreme in the wheel and audio department. The "late-model VIP" guys are usually connected to a shop (ie: Junction Produces #2 customer) and have huge cash reserves OR (and I say "or" in a very general kind of way) they *modify their Dads car*... I've spoken to a couple of J-guys about this, and it seems that this is one way they get around the huge expense of owning their own late model VIP 22-inch monster. As for American immitation VIP style? I hope you're referring to Yank tanks, because if the Americans have stolen yet another Japanese style and calling it their own I'd be pretty disappointed...
  16. Bwahahaha!!! I K-N-E-W he was batting for the other team!!! lolTroy... tomorrow mate, we'll pick up the R32 and cruise down to Kobe or something for dinner (with Kayo )
  17. That car (or it's twin brother) is in my Photo Diary... it's registered in Kobe... Endless are very very cool.
  18. Try and get their s15 faced S14 from Saurus Shan... private import ...I've got my own *very* special import coming down under soon...
  19. Nice car man... luvly... but wrong section! Moved.
  20. aybee is right... the Japanese plates are of course proprty of the Japanese government so they want them back when the car is deregistered. It's normal proceedure anywhere so I don't know why people think Japan should let their plates be given to anyone who wants them... They're big ugly things anyways... whats to like?
  21. Warning: No pointless whoring or immaturity in here. You know why I`m posting this, it's just a warning so don't get upset.
  22. GRUNTN: Caps lock dude... theres caps lock protection on SAU. See those black wheels on the GTS-t in my sig? Those 17x8 +32 rims needed a 3mm spacer to clear the front brake calipers... (Type M)
  23. I don't know of any sites in AU, but you'd definately want at least 17x8 +32 on the front, and 17x9 +32 (+35 or so) on the rear. Officially in Japan at least, 9" onthe rear of R32 GTS-ts are too big, they quote 8.5" as being the maximum width... but we all know 9" go on the back with correct offset somewhere around +35. Btw, try and go for a Japanese brand if you can, most wheels made in AU are either to narrow or the offsets are too high ie: for FWD.
  24. Very nice! So there are a few Autech version GT-Rs in AU... cool.
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