By 'Hollywood image' I guess you mean like the Yakuza in movies like 'Black Rain'?I'm not gonna pretend that I know Yakuza, the closest I ever came to talking to one was when I was in an "Onsen" (Japanese bath) and we were all crowded down one end of the bath, while this Yakuza dude was sitting up the other end all by himself... like royalty or something!
But from what I've gathered:
- They do have tatoos that cover their entire backs, I think when they start out it's just a small tat, and the long serving Yakuza have full back work done (over many years).
- The Yamaguchi-gumi in Kobe are quite "high class" compared to movie Yakuza... the Yamaguchi guys AFAIK one of the oldest gangs, and most established. All business suits and Mercedes Benzes or Toyota Crowns, they also seem to keep very much to themselves and are "seen but not heard".
- They used to cut off fingers *when they left the Yakuza*... not as an initiation or anything. I don't think they do it anymore, all though I have met a pinkyless bar owner!!! He said he didn't used to be Yakuza, although the tatoo line around his neckline and the cut off little finger gave it away!
- They do recieve "protection money" from various business owners (especially down by the port in Kobe) but it's all business... all most like goverment taxes... part of having a business in Kobe I guess.
- They movie Yakuza are dreaded tough guys who walk around with "I'm gonna kill you" looks on their faces, carrying weapons etc, whereas in Kobe at least, they are quite civil and respectful... even to foreigners! People on the street don't seem to mind them either! But every so often I do hear of corruption and other non-violent crime involving Yakuza from time to time... usually to do with prostitution or drugs.
The other Japan residents can probably shed more light on the subject...