Thats it right there. I used to think there was a conspiracy at play with the Aussie government and Holden, basically pricing out any competitors to the sub-$40K RWD sedan segment from Japan. But now in hindsight I know thats pretty lame, especially since Toyota (and more or less Mitsubishi but they don't have any RWDs) make cars in Australia and that would mean limiting jobs etc. So whats the problem then? Price. Theres no way Toyota can tool up their AU plant to build the RWD Mark X in a similar spec to compete with Holden/Ford at their price level. The investment would be huge, so it just will not happen. The only way is to import, then it's up to Toyotas overseas plants to spec the car to a price competitive standard, which in itself would either be too expesive for the Holden/Ford market segment with it's native Japanese spec level (almost Lexus spec, which would come in at $45K+), or spec'd so low to keep it in Commodore Omega/Falcon XT price territory that it'd have vynil seats, no aircon, and only available in Taxi-pack white... which of course Toyota would never let happen. Ditto for Nissan Skyline/Fuga...