Guys, guys... theres a whole "quality improvement" era happening in Japan now (has done for the last 4 - 5 years) and the european style cars being produced in Japan at the moment are what the Japanese think is "logical progression". European styling = quality. All Japanese car makers were somewhat caught up in over-spending and bad business decision making during the Bubble economy years, and what we're seeing now is the end result: cars that are build to world standards, that cost less (parts sharing across the entire range) and cheaper... unfortunately for us, that means that Japanese styling has immitated European styling to an extent, as a means of showing the *Japanese Public* (forget about overseas markets for a moment) that the cars being produced now are a step away from old, tired, bubble economy-type cars.
No, the 350Z, Skyline, Accord Euro, Mark II etc are very much styled along European lines to separate the "new era" of Japanese cars from the old. This way the Japanese car makers want the public in Japan see "immitation" as a form of respect for a superior product, while also... and this is the most important part... protecting their local industry!!! Why buy that C-Class Mercedes when you can buy a Toyota Brevis that looks almost exactly the same?