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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Hahaha! Strutto's some kind of Japanese car freak... well done again Well that was quick... eeeerm, thanks to all those who participated... good night!
  2. Definately not Not even the right manufacturer.
  3. This one could either be really easy, or really hard... Whats this:
  4. On the other hand I've had a Korean lady swear to me on her mother grave that the Japanese were on average the shortest of all the Asian countries... biased perhaps?
  5. 4 years doesn't feel so long when your married! Being married to a Japanese woman in Japan gives the foreign husband/wife a whole different perspective on Japan... I think most of the Japan residents that frequent SAU are either married to a Japanese or in a long-term relationship.When I first got here, yes, culture shock. I remember the feeling well even though now Japan is well and truly a second home. Just the feeling of walking down the street and having to think first before you do ANYTHING (not knowing the language well, monetary system, directions, the lot), and not really knowing what was going to happen next was 100% fun for me back then. Not to mention walking down the street going nowhere in particular at midday holding a Sapporo Beer 2L gass mini-keg getting largered was priceless...
  6. Kanto is the the area spanning around Tokyo, like on this map:
  7. Streeter just curious, where exactly in Osaka are you? I'm in Ashiya (yeah, yeah, I know - a yuppie area) and that kind of property theft seems like it could never happen here... eg: me and the wife left some living room lights (the big ones with the donut shaped flouro's - they're in perfect condition) out on the street 3 weeks ago and they're still there!!!
  8. Rezz


    Possibly the Teana (Maxima) you saw Jimbo?
  9. Rezz


    Fuga is the replacement for the current Y34 Cedric/Gloria. Nissan decided to change the name for the new model to "Fuga" because the overall dimentions of the car push the Fuga into the large sedan class. The Fuga will be sold in Japan in 2.5L and 3.5L V6 RWD and 4WD versions, with Infiniti M45 model carrying a 4.5L V8 (possibly the V6 engine options too, but I couldn't care less).
  10. I'd rather not say... I had a few big things planned, but my wife has other ideas. I'll let you know soon...
  11. Streeter you're in Kochi? It says Osaka as your location, and me and Troy wanted to hook up for some car fun, but it seems you have to go to great effort to get here? Kochi is Shikoku right? Damn, tough break if you wanted to work in Osaka...
  12. Rezz


    Did it look like this?
  13. If "ress" means "Rezz", then 4 years...
  14. You guys get "Battle Gear 3 version 2" in AU? It's exactly the same as Battlegear 3 except theres some more cars like Z33 Fairlady, RX-8 and more tuned cars like "Mecha" tuned AE86 Trueno.
  15. Rezz


    With all due respect, that thing has been out in Japan for 6 months already. NOBODY talks about it... almost like it's an unwanted child!??! I guess the market for multi-use all-in-one DVD recoder/game console/photo dump/MP3 and CD jukebox isn't so big...
  16. 1) I've never heard anything about it being rude to sign your name... I mean, we're talking about foreigners right? Just about all Japanese take it for granted that foreigners don't have a "hanko" (name stamp) and so straight away ask us to sign. I've had some very suprised looks from bank staff etc when I produced my custom "Justin" hanko. As for my wife, she never signs her name unless it's for registered mail (as Andrew said) or for credit card transactions. So as for it being rude to sign your name... I don't think so. 2) Mmmm, a bit of a grey area here with the unemployment statistics. I guess amongst older people the unemployment situation was a bit taboo, and talk about why Mr Watanabe comitted suicide centers around "personal crisis" and never solely blamed on unemployment. On the JR Kobe train line just last week there were two (2!) suicides where people jumped infront of trains... yes, this is common in Japan. Unemployment related? I don't know, but bear in mind, the pressures of living in a society were status is EVERYTHING, life can get a bit shitty if you're at the bottom. But with the younger generation, unemployment - amongst my students at least - has almost become "cool", like they are rebelling against societies expectations or something. I haven't answered your question well SKY, so I'll shut up now...
  17. Cheers for the kind words It's nice to hear from the "older" crowd around my age!!!
  18. So theres 1 in Perth, and 2 in Brisbane? Any more about the place?
  19. Check the other thread...
  20. 180SX... the only car (well the S13 and S14s are good too) to drift in in GT3
  21. PM me for the link lads, uploading now...
  22. Holy shit... APS well done! Love the 'cooler end tanks...
  23. Where are you staying??? Lets hook up on Sunday... me, you and Troy for starters?
  24. I lived in country Mie-ken (west of Nagoya, near Suzuka Circuit ) in a town called Iga-Ueno for a year contract job teaching kids English back in '00/'01 and for my first job in Japan... it was good. It was REALLY boring during the week/weeknights, and on the weekend I'd go back to Osaka to meet friends... well practically every weekend. But on the bright side I could save about $11,000 that year (the exchange rate was fookin good back then!) and I got over my phobia of speaking Japanese out loud. I was the only gaijin in that town for about 6 months, and was told by one of the obasans (old ladies) that I was somewhat of a celebrity, I was often brought up in conversation??? Wierd, but it really hardened me to the reality that Japanese STARE at you again and again, it's in their genes.
  25. Nah, they're not showing again today too. Circusmonkey, give "Imagestation" the boot and host them on SAU, that'd be much better.
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