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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. I thought you guys in AU might enjoy this... Garage Active Just click on the numbers below the photo of each car, they have full 360 degree shots and interior shots as well. Lovely line up of customer GT-Rs...
  2. I beleive "J-spec" Auto or one of the more popular importers imported a V35 Sedan (just a 250GTm, nothing special) if I recall correctly? Can someone confirm? I think it was shipped to Brisbane...
  3. Remember that RQ that works at my school? I posted up a thread about her ages ago... well she's still up for a photo session, I just gotta get her friends to commit. But before that, I gotta get the car up to scratch! Parts that didn't make the long list: 1) Chrome wheels. 2) Neons. YGTBFK - Yougottobefcukingkidding. 3) Rear wing. 4) 7 inch wide rims.
  4. Good stuff Funkeh (I'm getting up to speed with the Victorian lingo...) Maybe just reduce the size of the body dimentions diagrams a tad, other than that, sweet. I started doing this kinda stuff for the R31 series last mid-year, but it was all on my wifes HDD and her PC is at the bottom of the closet... will dig it up sometime.
  5. I've only ever seen the 1 -5 gradings on Auction sheets... strange man, they must be grading tightasses or something... Bwahahahahaha! nah Troy, thats the JP-Drivers license course... 25,000 yen for the tests/lessons/paperwork, 275,000 yen into JAF.
  6. I'll have you know Shan I've got some East Bear aero mirrors *on the way* as we speak... m-m-m-m-m-me so haaaaawny. :aroused:
  7. Reminds me of Do-mo kun: burnt chicken nugget.
  8. Cool dream... you know, I tell me students that until they have a dream in English, they won't really totally relax with the language and speak out more. They usually don't have a dream in English until they go on a homestay or something in an English speaking country... you had a dream already in Japanese? Thats a good sign man, trust me.
  9. Geezuz guys I feel so proud!!! Seriously, it's GREAT to hear your feedback! Why? Because Trent - TKO Tinting and Nick - Option Tinting are both my younger brothers....
  10. Work Emotion CR Kai... 17x8 on 235/45/17 front, 17x9 on 255/40/17 rear.
  11. Like in the other thread I recommend David at [email protected]. I'm not sure whether he's sent cars to the US before, but I'm sure it's not different to sending a car to Australia... maybe a little more expensive. Just send him a mail, he's always ready to help.
  12. My coworker and I were meant to be going in and buying 2 (yes two) V35 Coupes and keeping them in Japan for a year then shipping them to AU to sell... the school I work for was supposed to buy the cars outright and I'd decide whether to keep mine or not later (so there'd be at least one V35 coupe going to AU). As yet the school haven't purchased anything. Sorry... :boohoo:I got impatient hanging out for the V35 so I got the R32.
  13. To be honest, I've never looked at English language sites/magazines for VQ32DETT info... even if there was an abundance, every western journalist will tip in their 5 cents on what/why/how Nissan are doing what they're doing.I think the key here is to filter out assumption and verified fact. It can get quite confusing when articles are only two or three paragraphs long with so much info/speculation crammed into a few sentences. I've never hidden the fact that I post up articles from "Holiday Auto" magazine because I like their articles. From the bunch of motor magazines on sale in Japan every month, Holiday Auto are the most conservative when it comes to breaking news and scoops. By this I mean some other mags post almost unbelievable dribble that has no connection to reality, while Holiday actually go into great depth explaining why they print what they print and connect the new article with previous articles they printed before. This kind of stuff the average foreigner misses out on because they don't know the language. I'm not saying I'm a master Japanese speaker, far from it, but my wife and I go through and translate every bit of "The Next GT-R" info we get our hands on and filter out the crap from the good stuff... thats the process anyway. dicopotato, if you find any English language stuff that might be of interest could you post it up? Cheers
  14. I have those same wheels (on the 32 in my sig) on order right now... just wait fellas, I'm not happy with it's appearance yet. Troy (Evo_Lee) has been heard saying it has "drift damage"... no by me of course!
  15. The R34 Nismo GT-R hasn't been released yet...
  16. slowmedown: Tell him I sent you
  17. Yes, looks dodgy.Seriously, give David an e-mail, I've used him before, I've known him for 4 years and he buys alot of cars for all the "big name" importers in Australia. Top bloke... I should promote him more...
  18. Rezz

    Tas 2005

    Put aside... I don't know... $5000? Thats a broad question dude, do you want to live it up or go cheap?Btw, TAS 2005 members, I'll make a new thread where we can discuss a plan of attack for the show, I don't want a repeat of the last one where we meet up twice throughout the whole day and thats it... oh, and Troy and I WILL be there on time this time! Is Christian coming??? He should come...
  19. ... maybe put a clickable link in your sig to your forum?
  20. The auction grade 1 to 5 is: (1) High mileage, rough, damaged many owners poor mechanical condition. (2) Poor condition in need of attention in both bodywork and mechanical defects (3) Fair condition for age reasonably well maintained some miner faults. (3.5)Good condition very few minor faults. Road worthy. (4) One owner low mileage well serviced cars above average condition for year. (4.5) Very good condition, mint cars for year, nearly new. (5) As new. Showroom condition. And H7, S51 etc is referring to the Japanese year counting system, according to the Emporer that is reigning at the time... "It was decided that each Emperors reign would constitute an era. The year in which an Emperor ascended to the throne would be the first year of a new era which would continue until his death.": S = "Showa" (the name chosen for the period, not the Emporers personal name - "Hirohito") S1 = the first year of the Showa period (1926) continued on through to S63 (1988) H = "Heisei" (the current period we are in now) H1 = the first year of the Heisei period (1989) continuing through to now, which is H16 (2004) So the years you should be interested in are these: S60 = 1985 S61 = 1986 S62 = 1987 S63 = 1988 H1 = 1989 H2 = 1990 H3 = 1991 H4 = 1992 H5 = 1993 H6 = 1994 H7 = 1995 H8 = 1996 H9 = 1997 H10 = 1998 H11 = 1999 H12 = 2000 H13 = 2001 H14 = 2002 H15 = 2003 H16 = 2004 I got all the auction grade info from a 2 minute Google search... . :
  21. Sounds like a bit of co-ordination on your end... you up for it Tony?
  22. Matey, do you realize that SAU just recently opened up *this very section* to discuss the next Skyline, including the next GT-R? Well done for starting up your own forum, but I don't think this is the place to be inviting peeps to come over. Do you get where I'm coming from?
  23. Bad news guys, I can only provide a Japanese bank account for you to deposit into. Either that or do overseas remittance through the Post Office... there are additional charges involved in this. Sorry guys for any inconvenience, but this is out of my control.
  24. Mmmmmmn it looks GREAT in that colour... but... the jurys out on whether GT-R/GT-R face conversions are ok.... I don't know, what does everyone else think?Btw, Funky, the S15 onevia conversion is a little old... maybe two years? Some other mob had a bright orange one way back with black rims etc, set up for drift. Can't remember who produced it though.
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