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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Hahahaha, too right!Oi Merli, could you knock up an animated gif with Doumo kun shagging an aero mirror?
  2. I found a new friend...
  3. Just put a front lip extention and some aero mirrors on, and you'll be right.
  4. Piss off Shan? W-H-Y would you wanna do that...? Hi Shan!
  5. What other thread? Whad are you knobs talkin 'bout? :confused:
  6. This thread is 2 years old.
  7. Rezz

    Buying a car in Japan

    hehehehe, I like the "plucked out of the air" starting price...
  8. Yup, so what chassis is that then hey??? X36??? Pffft, every week theres some 'tard (I wouldn't be suprised if it was a yank) whos just discovered Skylines last month who comes up with yet another misleading photochop.
  9. They ain't 1/24th scale either.
  10. Sorry guys, that particular company only offer (as of now): Nissan Fairlady Z Nismo S-Tune Apex D1 Mazda RX-7 Drift car Option Stream Z Project Fairlady Z (the crashed orange one) Mazdaspeed Mazda RX-7 R-Spec
  11. Ok, please reply to this post those who are POSITIVE they want to fork out in the vicinity 5,000 yen for one of these S-Tune Fairlady Zs. Minimum of 3 seperate orders to go ahead with the transaction. Will be shipped direct to your door. Please don't send a PM, I will not respond... that goes for e-mail too. Once I get confirmation of at least 3 orders, I'll then PM payment details. Once payment has been made (and verified), cars will arrive within 5 - 14 days (max).
  12. Dave: I know you've got the R32 R/C car, do you have any other static Skylines etc? I saw a Fujimi R34 Skyline 2.5GT yesterday aswell... you got that one?
  13. Nah mate... your not THAT influential!!! Nup haven't been there... didn't even know about it...?
  14. There is a God... :zap:
  15. Guys, this has to be the BEST model I've ever seen!!! I just got it today from... you guessed it, Yodobashi Camera, but unfortunately, they didn't have any V35 Skylines there. Here are some pics of this awesome kit: The kit, grand total of 3,024 yen. Hold on... what are all those spare parts in there for??? The kit even came with a screwdriver... at the bottom of the pic are all the Nismo parts you can put on the car. The detail, for a 1/24th scale die cast model, is aaaaaawesome. Some of the parts: Hell, you can even change the gearstick for a Nismo item!!! Look at the seats! The stock Z33 Fairlady Z. Unfortunately, the doors don't open. ... you can even swap out the stock engine for a Nismo S-Tune item... nice induction pipe detail. This is the standard interior section. The seats, steering wheel and gearstick can be changed for Nismo items to... This: Luuuuurvely. ...oh. Did I say that this thing has FULLY ADJUSTABLE SUSPENSION!!!! Don't believe me? Check this out: Stock camber setting... slammed 10 degrees negative camber!!! :D Stock ride height... Slammed. (The car now has the Nismo body and rims on) Bewdiful.:aroused: And the finished car (bar the Nismo bonnet sticker)... This thing is cool. Some final shots: Please don't tell me it's available in AU and everybodies got one...
  16. Sounds good lads... I only hope the V35 is ready in time, otherwise I'll have to make do with the R32... meh, it's all good!
  17. Nothing man... thats just the way you're interpreting it. Yeah, your entitled to your opinion, but who says you gotta come on here and blurt it out and piss off a few key Evo owners? Grow up. Yeah, and you'll find that every Evo owner on this board respects all Skylines for what they ARE, not what some zit-faced teenager who "rices up" his Skyline would have you believe. Fan-bloody-tastic mate, thats all you had to say. And this means what exactly? Does that mean you can come on here and authoritively bag other peoples rides based on the stupid car styling fads that are to be found in AU? Hey, I've got a Japanese MOTHER-IN-LAW (feel sorry for me please), but you don't see me making ill informed conclusions.
  18. I getting both!!! Actually, the R32 Type M will come first, I'm getting it through Troy. The V35 will come after, we're still trying to get a good one at the right price...
  19. Is it just me... or did Evo_Lee, Kutter and me all just post the exactly the same post in succession??? I posted first, so you guys copied me, nyah, nyah, nyee-nyah, nyaaaah!
  20. Lets take an R33 2.0 GTS... For want of a better comparison car, this is like the Ford Falcon of the R33 Skyline range... but more high tech Mainly focused on performance? The GTST is not the "entry-level" Skyline... see above. I think you've taken some people out of context.So lets break it down: Compare *an R33 Skyline 2000 GTS* (with fully functional RB20E single cam!) with an R33 GT-R... ...and a AUDM (Australian domestic market;)) CE Lancer GLi whatever to a Lancer Evolution V... gettit? Same shit, different manufacturer. The Evolution 5 and up Lancers are as hardcore as a GT-R, so saying they look like riced up Lancer GLi's just sounds childish. Also, saying a normal Lancer GLi is "Rice" is a bit strange?Btw, no one said a GT-R is just a riced up GTST...
  21. Sure am! Are you?... should we invite Shan (funkymonkey)?
  22. Being a "gaijin" involves not being a Japanese, rather than being an ocker Aussie...
  23. A couple of pics: Who wrote all those references to Homo sexual acts? Heheh, Pool Shark turned out to be just that! Thats "Nao" second from right... he lived 2 years in Bondi Junction, Sydney and only just came back to Japan in May. He's the most Ocker Aussie I've ever met... he puts me to shame!
  24. Here are some pics of the truly *HUGE* electronics megastore, Yodobashi Camera: It really is my favourite store in the world... bar all the SuperAutobacs, Crystals, UpGarages etc A typical giant TV screen... a feature of the bigger cities in Japan. This ones different because it's "Yodobashi-Vision". Hey!!! It's Eric Bana! Anyone remember him from the Comedy Company? Well, of 100 Japanese girls polled, 95% of them prefered Eric Bana over Brad Pitt! There had to have been at least 1000 people on the 1st floor alone... :0 Just 1/3 (!!!) of the TV display... see how the display curves around to the left? Well theres just as many big flatsceen TVs stacked like in this pic going around the full 180 degrees. I liked this one! ALL the info for the status of the media in use is displayed on that little screen, BECAUSE THIS MUTHA HAS A 40 GIG HDD!!!!! And ADSL network adapter! NO.MORE. CD. BASED. MEDIA. Everything can be d/l'ed irect from the web. Are these type of stereos in Oz? At this point, a security guard politely asked me not to take anymore pictures... nevertheless, I shall be back with more soon!
  25. Top work Christian and Kent! I'll be watching this builup for sure... don't forget about lots of pics! Have you guys considered an N/A RB20/RB25? I say NA because it would be keeping with the original theme of the... erm... original? Just work it a little with cams, pooter and compression. Sweet!
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