Heres some different shots I took on Saturday. I only 3x optical zoom on my Canon Ixy 500, but I tried to make good use of it with these "spy" shots...if you can call them that! I didn't go after the big modified cars (Troy can attest to the abundance of modified cars going past my house on Route 2) but I went after every day cars instead, and a suprise car...
Thats the big bridge down by Sushine Wharf where SuperAutobacs is.
Just a typical Saturday morning in Settsu Motoyama.
Same as above but looking west.
This is the Bridgestone (pronounced "Bu-ri-ji-stoe-n" in Japanese! There you go!) Gasoline Satnd directly across the road from me. Just shortly after this pic was taken, that dude creaning the windscreen ran out onto the middle of the road, and waited there, holding up traffic long enough for the March to come out and drive off... can you imagine that happening in AU/UK/NZ/US???
If I'm not mistaken.. this is a CITROEN 2CV!!!!! WTF??? ... and you thought Japan was high-tech! Theres that dude again holding up traffic...
A Celica and Civic just cruising along... the ZZT231 Celica is pretty popular around were I live, theres no less that 3 mildly modified SS-IIs on my block and adjacent blocks.
Alright! This is more like it... Stagea 2.5 25RS that had a nice burble to the exaust.
Mitsubishi Grandis van, and a DC5 Integra Type R (the good JDM version... not the barebones AU version!)
At first I thought this was a "Honda Legreat", but now I'm not sure... anybody know what it is? I think the fact that you can get a carbon bonnet and decent kit for it must mean it's at least mildly popular.
Toyota Landcruiser 4.7 "Cygnus" (the Lexus version in AU?) with all the fruit. That dude on the little motorbike thingy are a dime a dozen too.
One for Troy... Evo 7 in it's home environment... chugging around at 50km/h stopping every 100m for the traffic lights. Sweet, I love 'em though. Probably the only other car I'd look at other than a Skyline.
What are the chances of seeing a Y33 and Y34 Gloria side by side on the street? They weren't friends either... the Y33 came up real quick the overtake the Y34 on the right side.