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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. I don't get it...
  2. Don't you just love this response in the guestbook: "dose"? "quorter"? "MUSCAL"??? "TWO CYCLE MOPPED"????????? I thought illiterate POS bogans were only confined to Australia...
  3. THATS the one we weren't allowed within a 5m radius of at last years event...
  4. What about some pics from Niigata, Brian? ...and Andrew surely you must of taken some shots around Chiba??? Streeter? South Osaka? C'mon guys, we need more localized pics!
  5. Are you saying I can't import my privately owned (for a year) 2003 V35 Skyline Coupe to Australia??? Please enlarge on this...
  6. That ain't no way to treat one of our overseas SAU peeps...Try and be a bit more helpful next time, yeah?
  7. Hahahaha... yes, it was a "strange" night to say the least... what with all those shocker shots, pissing on motorbikes (!) and letting 1.8 Silivia K's blow us away! Anyways... heres some pics: The scoreboard... my mate Jamie a.k.a "****tail" showed some intial talent, but NOBODY came close to the "Jaggy Bastard" a.k.a. Troy for stealing games and "shocker shots" (ie: sinking the white without touching another ball on the table x3 :D) L - R: Troy, Jamie, Miwa, Justin and Sachi. Troys Evo 5... very nice!!!!! A rather modified JZA80 Supra in the "24 Times" parking lot by the pool hall. Bonus Pic: [/color] (Pic edited out to protect the guilty...) First hand evidence of how socially acceptable it is to, not only piss in public, but piss on other peoples property...:flamed: when ya gotts go, ya gotta go!!!
  8. We changed from last night to tonight... oh, and I'm gonna kick Troy arse...
  9. Hehehe, me too. I've actually gone up and asked those guys for directions before (thinking that they were ex-US Marines or something) and they reply in this god awful Japanese/French dialect... and I'm like WTF??? You were just acting like an LA gangsta in front of those Japanese girlies, and now you can't speak English? Tools...
  10. Rezz

    Happy Birthday Rezz

    Hahaha, back at ya man! Jokki sounds good , especially on a day like this (Osaka - 27 deg, clear sky), cheers man
  11. Yes, definately...I'd love to go to Bremen sometime... if I do, I'll let you know, then we can meet up.
  12. Rezz

    Happy Birthday Rezz

    Thanks Dave, topi, Sky, Gary... [sniff]you remembered...![/sniff]
  13. Rezz

    Happy Birthday Rezz

    Sore wa.... MOUSHIWAKENAI YOOOOOOOOOOO! :wassup: Hahaha, cheers bud! Drinks tomorrow for sure.
  14. Yep, NSX sold from 1990... September 1990 in fact. NSXs are so sought after in Japan, even the cheapest, most poorly kept auto trans shitter 3.0L '90 model still commands 2.5 million yen...
  15. Man, I'm over it... I mean, there seems to be these Japanese that are fully behind "globalization" and the like, they can't get enough of foreign influence, yet then theres Japanese that want us all to get on a plane and fly the fcuk out... I do remember Koizumi talking about promoting Japan as a top tourist destination, but at the same time my mum-in-law Michiko was muttering under her breath saying "we don't need that kind of industry..." Is she right? To be honest, I couldn't imagine any more tourists walking around Japan than what already is right now... it just wouldn't be *proper* as a cultural thing, as in, it hasn't happened by now, so it'll probably won't happen... who knows?
  16. He's from Bremen...
  17. HAHAHAHA! Thats so hilarious! Mc Doof... I love Germany ... well my Dads German.
  18. Hey Frank, so sorry I didn't respond to your PM!!! But I think you'd get a better response from the forum anyways... Although I haven't been there myself, the Nismo Omori Factory is a definate place to see. Just use Babelfish to translate that link. Maybe one of the other guys that live near Tokyo can give you a better idea of where to stay, as I only really know the Makuhari area there (coz of the TAS). There aren't really any special things you need to consider, Japan is a very tolerant place, you needn't worry about smoking in the street, it's ok!!! Hell, you can even piss in the street if you want to!!! thats ok too... I'm not sure of any car show and the like during summer in Tokyo, if you came to Kobe I could sort you out, but with only 10 days to play with, your best bet is definately Tokyo.
  19. Finished Prologue about 2 months ago... yeah, I agree, as per above, it's pretty dull. But the Lancer Evo 8 MR and the McLaren Race Car are worth it.
  20. Was it a re-post? Soz...
  21. Me too! No, they really are nice ladies those two, especially the one on the right.
  22. Yeah man, thats 2 blokes ready to go down there...
  23. Hahaha... no, no no. THIS is Rezz after a few Asahi's:
  24. Dave, there seems to be a largish town down in the valley in this pic? Is that another town? Whats it's name?
  25. Thats more like it Dave
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