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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Nah, I just held the camera up above my head (except for the "Yodobashi Camera" pic) coz people were walking infront of me...
  2. Seriously... could you????? (imagine what this girls father is thinking...)
  3. No mate, it's like a mini Flea Market. They sell all sorts of used jewellery and clothes and stuff.
  4. Gold! Where did you find that one? Yamambas... tell me, could EVER imagine getting one in bed?Oh yeah, about the decline... wait till July/August...
  5. hahaha! Touche...
  6. Yeah.. ok. But this time I'll have a team of Japanese girlies cheering me on
  7. Top pics Chris! You've captured the "real" Japan IMO. Your pics are what you'd see every day of the week.
  8. I've only got one girl pic... This my "other friend" (Troy! Don't say anything!!!) standing infront of Yodobashi Camera, that grey building at the end of the overpass. Yes thats right, the ENTIRE building sells nothing but every electronic device know to man... and then some. Well... they sell other stuff too! Anyone remember that movie "Black Rain" with Micheal Douglas? Well, this is the Hankyu Mall where Douglas has his first encounter with the Yakuza... An incredibly clean, efficient and *on time* Japanese train. This one goes from the station closest to my house to Umeda, Osaka. The west Umeda business district. Many of those tall buildings at the end have popped up in the last 5 years... economy in recession my arse. These 2 pics are of the large open area where 3 underground shopping malls and 2 department store basements meet up, with a subway station over to the right. It's this busy right up until midnight usually.
  9. If you ask a 20-something Japanese chick about driving in Japan, then yes, it's a privelege and not a right... on the other hand, why would anyone spend so much on securing a car in Japan (parking, shaken, maintenence etc) and then NOT drive it? This is where alot of people get it wrong, some Japanese DO drive their cars exessively, and I wouldn't be suprised if alot of the sportscar owners clock up the same amount of K's as an Aussie driver.Odo's wound back? I'd agree with Troy (Evo_Lee)... he's wound back a few in his time
  10. It's probably because those pics were taken at 9am on Sunday morning... but yeah, it doesn't get much more busy than that around my area.
  11. Some more pics: Shitloads of bikes... an all too common site in the city. A reasonably high-tech drink machine. A typical Mitsubishi elevator at my bosses apartment. I have exactly the same one in my building. As if the Mitsubishi Galant headlights were'nt slim enough, this guy has used white vinyl tape to give the Galant some "much-needed" eyelids, and has taped over the front fog lamps to make them into circles aswell (beat that Brian!!! ) Who said Panasonic just make Hi-fi, car stereo and TV's? This bike had just about everything, except disk brakes. Btw, Panasonic also make houses... yes, houses (called "PanaHome"). Umeda, Osaka... looking out to the Hankyu Grand Hotel (tall building). Umeda, Osaka looking north... Looking down a stairwell to the street below. Another Umeda street scene. Another view of the Hep 5 Ferris wheel. That train line is 3 stories off the ground, with the highway in the distance another 3 stories above the train line. Looking east to Osaka Business Park and the general direction of Osaka Castle.
  12. Rezz

    Tas 2005

    Gomen ne Nikku, wasuretta! :stuck:
  13. Haha ditto...
  14. This is pretty much what I see on the way to work every morning... Down the end of the street on the left is my apartment building. JR Kobe line looking west up to Settsu Motoyama station. 1960's era house... it withstood the Hanshin earthquake back in '95. Again, looking west towards Sumiyoshi this time. Hankyu Okamoto station. This is one of the more classier areas around Ashiya (a famously wealthy place where a number of Japanese celebrities live). Not so exciting I know, just wanted to let you guys in on what I see from day to day... more tomorrow.
  15. Yes, talking shit for sure...Evo_Lee got it right, the only "Group A" type R32 GT-R was the Nismo version (for Group A homologation)
  16. Dave, as good as they are, most of those are tourist shots/travel brochure style shots... no offence I was asked to take pics of stuff I'd see walking to the train station or going to the supermarket, that sort of thing... but go for it anyway, don't mind me!
  17. To all Japan residents: I've had a request to post up pics of everyday life in Japan... the local Konbini, vending machines, housing, shops, the nextdoor neighbors dog... So go for it! Post up as many pics as you can (but keep the comments short and sweet... cheers) I'll start: Umeda, Osaka, Western Japan, early March 2004. View from my schools 3rd floor balcony, looking across the Umeda Center Bulidings forecourt to Hankyu Entertainment Park 5 (Hep 5) and the Hep 5 Ferris wheel.
  18. Yeah, they better! What kind of pool hall runs out of mixed nuts??? Jeez...Btw, we went to a pool hall in Nishinomiya somewhere, and parked at a "24 Times" parking lot, where we happened upon this: Z10 Nissan Cube, completely standard apart from those stickers... :headspin:
  19. Troy... I had you mate.... until I started sinking YOUR balls... Still, serves me right for trying to show off! Bah! Re-match next Friday night I say.
  20. Rezz

    Japanese Police

    Yeeeees... I was wondering when some juicy info about Japanese police would pop up? But "eigo-jin"... haha priceless
  21. Alright, I'll upload it again late tonight, but if I go over my bandwidth quota for the month, ALL my pics will disappear...
  22. Well done! I like this pic: Forgetting L.A. for a moment, is drift popularity in the US on par with Oz? Of course theres more people in the US, but per capita?
  23. Astounding... I mean for a moment there, I though you might've had some background information into the twisted psyche of the average Bosozoku/Yanki... Ta.The Yanki are just trying to out do other Yanki, what with the outrageous modifications and all. Show off factor maybe? About the only mod that has any credit would be the oilcooler hanging out the front of the car, as this was widely used in the GTS racing category in the early 70's. Alot of the mods (flared arches, front splitters etc) were more or less racing mods back in the 70's, and the Yanki have just taken them out of proportion. The upturned exhausts are for maximum loudness (remember, these guys are tools) and some of them can spit flame, so once again, they're going for show-off/nuisance supremacy. Some of the mods are over the top, so I hope you can figure how these guys think from looking at those horrid Toyota TownAces alone... But yeah, they're good for nothing tools most of the time, and they need suitable bosozoku (violent racing clan) type cars to back up their mentality!! Did I flame 'em enough???:flamed: **Edit: Heres a link to a game called "The Super Fast Friends Car King BU" which, just by looking at the pics alone and realizing someone can market and actually make money from this, should make people realize that Yanki are a force to be made fun of...
  24. No offence, but that link is repost x3 on SAU...
  25. Nah... good on you Gary! Go the different route. I kinda agree with Troy though, there isn't much to say about the Cedric/Glorias. I did take a pic of one in the Photo Diary which had HUUUUUGE wheels and looked awesome, but theres little else going for them.
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