Astounding... I mean for a moment there, I though you might've had some background information into the twisted psyche of the average Bosozoku/Yanki... Ta.The Yanki are just trying to out do other Yanki, what with the outrageous modifications and all. Show off factor maybe? About the only mod that has any credit would be the oilcooler hanging out the front of the car, as this was widely used in the GTS racing category in the early 70's. Alot of the mods (flared arches, front splitters etc) were more or less racing mods back in the 70's, and the Yanki have just taken them out of proportion. The upturned exhausts are for maximum loudness (remember, these guys are tools) and some of them can spit flame, so once again, they're going for show-off/nuisance supremacy. Some of the mods are over the top, so I hope you can figure how these guys think from looking at those horrid Toyota TownAces alone...
But yeah, they're good for nothing tools most of the time, and they need suitable bosozoku (violent racing clan) type cars to back up their mentality!!
Did I flame 'em enough???:flamed:
**Edit: Heres a link to a game called "The Super Fast Friends Car King BU" which, just by looking at the pics alone and realizing someone can market and actually make money from this, should make people realize that Yanki are a force to be made fun of...