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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Hey Andrew, some pics from around your way wouldn't go astray...
  2. Dave, those pictures are brilliant!!! **p.s. I was going to post up some Sakura pics too from down my way... you beat me to it!
  3. Call the "Nichigo Center" 9325 4441 and tell them that you can have boarders stay with you. You might have to have Police Clearance etc, but I'm sure they've got people that they can send to you.
  4. Yes I have... VERY tasty stuff!!! The bread is a-w-e-s-o-m-e.
  5. Good question... Y`know, my Jap friends always say something like "look at that number plate, you can't get those number plates..." when a Yakuza-type Toyota Celsior goes past with those *...9* number plates, like, only one big number on them. Are they personalized plates?
  6. The girls wanna checkout Fremantle first, so lets meet at 5pm. Thats: 5pm at Little Creatures on the 12th... ok gang? We'll be there come what may, so even if only 1 guy comes along it's no problem.
  7. These girls just got their "Apple Licence"... just such an occaision to stick their fingers up in defyance! Sorry ... heres a better pic of a Japanese licence plate:
  8. Right... so from what I can gather, we're gonna meet at xxxxxx at xxxxx o'clock?
  9. Better not take your Grandad here then...Lets not let this get out of hand fellas. SuperGimp, I aswell as other guys on this forum are married to Japanese... just letting you know.
  10. Get you buddies to come over and have your girlfriend cook for 'em in a skimpy outfit? I don't know, there probably ARE Hooters type places in Japan... it's just that you have to be Yakuza (or a cashed up salaryman) to gain entry.
  11. Sounds like a business proposition to me...
  12. Chritian and other Admins, Is it possible to have a banner on the front page of SAU linking directly to the Japan section? (banner with some kind of flash thingy with q's like "Interested in Japan? Click here for the Japan section"... or something like that? Also, would changing the color in the Japan section be out of the question? You know, like Japan (or Nissan/Nismo) theme? Dark Red and grey/white or something? I'm sure theres a decent couple of colors we could use. I've got some big things planned coming up ('04 Nismo Fest, Race Queen photo shoot with V35s and interview, JGTC round review, possible D1 round aswell)... so whaddaya say?
  13. ...and so it goes...I figured after that post by Troy, nows a good time to mention the 2nd and 3rd generation KOREANS that are being "allowed" to live in Japan... on a Korean Visa. Yes, thats right... they're parents as well as them were actually born in Japan (Grandparents immigrated), yet they get issued a Korean passport... can't speak a word of Korean, and have never even been (or want to go) there. Take my Dad for example as a flipside to the situation... comes from Germany m-d-1950's, stays in Australia until 1975 (when changes to dual-citizenship laws happened in Germany), thats when the German governments says "Mr Karow, are you or are you not a German citizen? If you intend on staying in Australia, please revoke your German passport, and become an Australian citizen." Tell me somethings wrong with the Japanese setup...
  14. Guys can we sort a *definate* time and place to meet? Pretty please?
  15. Rezz

    Tas 2005

    Yes Dave, the same goes for Aussies...Aparently, people with New South Wales drivers licences have to get proof of pssue date from the place that issued the licence. Not so for Western Australian (ex)residents, the issue date is already there! other than that, it's as simple as the Brits have it.
  16. The Skyline Coupe 350GT (and the 350GT Premium) is the only grade of Skyline Coupe available. AT or MT, with 17" wheels (350GT) or 18" wheels + Brembo brakes (350GT Premium), I think the V35 is more a "Sporty" specced car than the luxury style G35... different specs for different markets... although this is the first "Skyline" to be sold in the US, Nissan (Infiniti) could of put a microwave in there and it probably wouldn't have hurt sales.
  17. In 12 months there'll be at least 2 *V35 Skyline Coupe 350GTs* (as opposed to the Infiniti G35 - lefthand drive version) in Australia for sure... I'm exporting them.
  18. Some fatalities in the last pic for sure...
  19. Put the bong down man...
  20. Rezz

    new japan resident

    Andrew... You made it! Well done mate, I remember you wanting advice about Japan months ago... now you're here. Yeah ^^^^ Welcome to the club
  21. But guys (Dave, Brian and Troy), do you *really* feel comfortable, like Japans your "home-away-from-home"? I don't think I'd ever feel 100% comfortable... now that I think of it, I live in a rich area, and maybe the snobby nature of the well off people around here make it uncomfortable at times... I don't know.
  22. Rezz

    Japanese women

    Thats "Bolocks", Troy... "Bollocks".... Thread closed.
  23. Rezz

    Tas 2005

    Yes! Dave, Troy... I insist you come to the Nismo Festival with me this year!
  24. How many of you Japan residents (and guys who have lived in Japan over 1 year or so) *really* feel comfortable living in Japan? I know some of the guys living in the country might not encounter as much indirect rascism as some of the city residents, but how much does it affect your enjoyment about living here in Japan? When I first came to Japan almost 4 years ago, I was pretty much naive to the whole "indirect rascism" thing. But as I got more of a handle on how (and why) Japanese people percive things and ESPECIALLY after getting married to a Japanese girl, I suddenly felt like a part of the Japanese "club" as it were, but at the same time came upon the realization that a whole lot of Japanese people (a good amount of them older people) resented that I was in Japan, and furthermore, would either downright: a) ignore me, B) say things along the lines of "you're a foreigner, so you don't know what you're talking about" and c) just general disrespect ie: coughing *directly* onto me on the train, puting briefcases on the only available seat on a bus so I couldn't sit down, offering free chu-hi drinks to all the people waiting in line at Daiei supermarket checkout except me etc,etc,etc... "Haha! Get a thicker skin Rezz!" you might say... but times those rascism experiences by 1000 and then you're starting to get close to how it feels. P.S. I once had an older guy (General Manager of Minato Bank in Osaka as it turned out) say to me on the train after an old f*cked up woman verbally abused me (totally ignoring the other 60 Japanese people who were using their phones) for using my mobile phone on the train, "Don't worry about her, she just doesn't like gaijin... where are you from?".
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