Thats the Highschool/College student girls trying to make a buck to support either a) their school tuition fees, B) their Luis Vuitton, Prada and Chanel addiction or c) they are actually a "village bicylce"... in it for the sex AND money.There was an article in the Asahi Shinbun not too long ago explaining this very subject. Apparently quite a few (like 40 - 50%) Highschool girls have had paid sexual encounters with what they called "aging salarymen". The pron vids and DVDs are just an extention of that. There is THAT big a demand for pr0n or whatever... mags, pics etc. Has anyone else seen a Porn video vending machine? I saw one once in North Oaska, they had the blurry editing of the pubic hair, but geez, there were like 25 titles in one machine, with 3 machines lined up on the side of the road in an industrial area.