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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Paladin and TOnyGTSt: You're forgetting that during the late 1980's and the early 1990's, Japan was dangerously close to literally "owning" the whole world. Japans economy was so strong that they could pretty much do anything. This of course had a huge impact on the type of cars the big Japanese manufacturers were building. Really, really good cars... like the R32, 33, 34... well, the R34 was at the absolute end of the "good old days". You're comparing old "Bubble economy" (and post-bubble economy) Japan cars to the "new, streamlined and minty fresh" Japan of the 21st century. It's not just Renault coming in and f*cking up the worlds best car maker.
  2. Rezz

    Japanese Schools

    I would disagree with that one too... In my time I'm seen more than a few "slacker" students around, and it seems like alot of students are only as serious as their parents are.
  3. Good idea... but you should of seen Uchii when I told him I live around the corner from him and walk past his house every day!!! He was embarrassed for sure... I think it's coz he still lives with his parents...
  4. What the hell is a "V34" Skyline?And, if you red my car details correctly, it says V35 Skyline Coupe *soon*... so I don't have one yet. Besides, it's not as if Ghosn designed and built the V35 himself is it? There are still... believe it or not... Japanese people designing and building cars (ie: V35) at Nissan.
  5. Nah funky, I asked for priveleges to be able to move stuff from the General section ages ago but it went ignored...
  6. Rezz

    Honda in Japan

    Hi Paal, I thank you for your kind words about the Japan forum... cheers! We do our best.Check out other Honda tuners like: Feel's and... Top Fuel Anybody else got any more links? I'm not really a Honda man. Honda Civics and Integras have a good following here, a whole stack of race prepared Civics come down to Umeda (in central Osaka) every Saturday night to rev their engines off at 9,000rpm and try and scare people... Theres an abundance of track days just for Civics and Integras, and there always seems to be one or two hanging around at the Nanko illegal drags on any given night. I'd go as far to say that they're a modern classic FF car in Japan (especially the DC2 and EG).
  7. This is it. These pics were taken immediately around the corner from my apartment. I don't mean to sound co_cky, but how many of you live around the corner from a D1 driver? This is DRFT D1 driver Akinori "Uchii" Utsumi's DRFT D1 S15 chop-top drifter on a flatbed truck at 9am this morning: So you're probably thinking, why don't I get expert drift tuition from this guy? I will, just as soon as I get my 180SX... I kid you not. Oh, and here's me doing my best "Jash" impression at the Osaka Auto Messe last month... with "Asuka"... Good son of rajab... look at that tummy...! Oooooh, don't do that!:woofy: Asuka is "Rei's" friend... yep, if you know one RQ, you know about 20 of them. Asuka is coming to our school next month for a trial lesson. Can't wait!
  8. Rezz

    Japanese Schools

    We're an English school. 98% women students in their 20s to 30s. Get back to ya on this, I've gotta go...
  9. THAT... is an old skool valve. Right there.
  10. Rezz

    Japanese Schools

    Yes, international experience as in having been overseas before. Just general life experience too, coz NO ONE can pick up on whether a teacher knows "stuff" or not quicker than a covered in Chanel from head-to-toe Luis Vuitton bag clutching Japanese girl...
  11. Rezz

    Japanese Schools

    So you want to teach English? I think thats what you're trying to say...Sorry, our school (3 branches in Kansai, 1 in Vancouver Canada and 1 in Seattle USA, and soon 1 in Gold Coast/Byron) have no real need for inexperienced teachers, unless of course you are exceptionally well groomed, well spoken (no country style "twang") and have at least some international experience and of course have a solid understanding of English grammar. No joke. Best start off with doing a Google for "Nova", "Geos" or "Aeon" first, then if they don't want a bar of you , you could always just drop everything, sell your car and jump on the first plane to Japan and just basically throw caution to the wind and go for it... just like I did. /Rezz
  12. Thats some good news! I was starting to wonder why it hadn't been done already...?
  13. I got that pic from Car Sensor... there were only 6 of them for sale this week. Mixed bag of U12 SSS Limiteds, U13 SSSs and SSS Atessas, and that extremely rare SSS-R above.
  14. I found this U12 SSS-R for sale at a dealer: Stock SR20DET goodness... They're by no means common, but I have seen various SSS Limiteds getting about the Kobe area. The ones that I've seen have between 100,000 to 150,000kms on them though. As with all things, it's right place at the right time kinda situation if you can score one.
  15. Rezz


    StraightSix, you didn't ramble... it's all good. In fact, could you start another thread about Canada (in the Japan section)? We really should stop hijacking this thread...
  16. Of course, there are some of us that can got the private import route... remember?
  17. The BN kit looks impressive, but as Funky says, the big skirt bizness around the bottom is a problem when driving. Plus, you're gonna need some big-ass wheels to make that kit look right... standard GT-R rims will not do it. 9" on the front and 10" on the back at least... The Vertex is good, a little more subtle. But do you see why Japanese cars look so good? It's because they "overwidth" their wheel everytime. Get that rim right to the very edge of the wheelarch. I always wondered why 17" and 18" locally produced FR rims in Australia stopped at 7 or 7.5" widths... because thats all that can fit under a Dunnydore...?
  18. Actually, thats "Su-pura" (extend the "u" sound) like スープラ。C'mon, everybody... Suuuuuuuuu-pura. Suuuuuuuuuuuu-pura. Thats it! One more... Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-pura. Right!
  19. Rezz


    Hey... tell us more about Skylines and the general scene in Canada! Thats something I never hear about...
  20. Mmmm, thanks for the feedback as usual guys... still, if anyone has any statistics could they post them up?
  21. So tell me guys, are Skylines more plentiful in Australia, or New Zealand? Some guy on Skylines Down Under says that Skylines are more common in New Zealand than Australia. Now, last I heard, there were more people in either the Sydney or Melbourne metro areas than all of New Zealand, so therefore there must be more Skylines in Australia??? Oh, and another thing, why do New Zealanders always refer to Australia as "Aussie"? Thats like us referring to New Zealand as "Kiwi"... which we don't...do we?
  22. Yeah... wade through all the bullsh!t and you come across some real nice stuff sometimes. Japanese precision and attention to detail often reminded me of my Dad, who is German (Germans are famous for attention to detail... and being arseholes ), and thats one of the things that drew me to Jap cars and I guess Japan itself. Good link there Tony, thanks for sharing.
  23. Wow. I completely forgot I posted all that info...
  24. Righty o then... listen, I was trying to get to the bottom of this quickly, instead of 105 members "guessing" what your switch might be. I'm not a "non-believer", and you didn't step on my toes. The German remark was a stupid attempt at humour on my part because you spelt "switch" wrong (you typed svitch - sounds like my Dad). Last but not least, your pic not turning out is not a massive problem... I really don't care either way.I was thinking about taking optin B) "**** off!", but seeing as you are so polite, I won't. It's probably just a switch for some aftermarket foglamps that were installed but since been taken off, hence the clicking relay, but nothing happens. But thats all heresay...
  25. Wai, wai, wai, wait. Let me get this straight... you TOOK a picture... yet you can't see it. Now, forgive me if I sound a little confused, but are you talking about a blank photo/digital image? Or are you (trying) to say that you can't post up the pic of the switch?It's not the best way to go about getting legit responses by saying "there's da svitch (you're not German are you?) wheres da answer".... when theres no pic! Lol man, this is a funny thread.
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