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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Well, the word "Kanji" itself means "Chinese Charater", so although there are original Japanese charaters, the majority are taken straight from various mainland Chinese languages.Therein lies the whole "4 interpretations" thing... Kanji aren't words as such, but more "ideas" that have evolved from pictures (a couple of 1000 years back) to the sometimes simple, sometimes complex charaters we have today. So often there aren't any matching words in English, so the translator has to pick the closest possible meaning, and run with that. Take for example "Itadakimasu", (said before eating with both hands together, like you're praying) theres no direct translation in English, so it's just an "expression of gratitude before meals". But another person can come along and say it means "Thanks for this meal" in English... so it all depends on how exacting the translator wants to be.
  2. "Change of Attitude" is another slight variation... thanks to my wifey for that one.
  3. Rezz

    R 31 Nismo

    Ask And Ye Shall Recieve #3,056...1000 examples were made from Feb 1987.
  4. Nah... Carlos drinking "Dakara", a wierd sweet amino drink thats supposedly good for your heart... well if Carlos drinking, it probably ain't 100% Dakara.
  5. They sold for A$149,000 new, they go for about A$100,000 now... not so expensive are they?The point is, how often do they pop up for sale, not how many people can afford them. It's bloody expensive for an R33, but your buying yourself one hell of an exclusive ride. Having a genuine 400R would instantly propell the owner to god status in the Skyline world... in Japan and abroad.
  6. Rezz

    TAS Galleries up

    Mate, I'm worried my ugly mug might turn up on f*ckedgaijin one day... kiotsukete!
  7. Rezz

    TAS Galleries up

    Watch out... f*ckedgaijin.com might see those and put 'em up in their "Random FG pics" thread...
  8. Good stuff Nick! You put my Photo Diary to shame...
  9. Heres the V35 diagram if anyone was wondering... ...and Carlos Ghosn's original toilet paper sketch for the V35... thankfully it got saved from the flush so we could all sit around and laugh at it...
  10. It's a factory turbo Timer... I just hope his cars a turbo...
  11. Actually they're scans of the original toilet paper sketches I got from "Red Park" the Nissan Museum...
  12. I have had a request to delete all references to "Rice" that have f*cked up an otherwise brilliant thread. First and last warning guys... Remember: the more you argue about Rice in the Japan Forum, the smaller your pen!s gets...
  13. Maybe a few diagrams might help... The R32 is a sleeker, yet obviously older design, and can be identified by the crease mark running the length of the car, starting at the front wheelarch. The R33, as Nizmo stated, is a "chubbier" car than the R32, and can be identified by it's resemblance to a chubby version of an S14 Silvia/200SX... ...and the R34 can easily be identified by the crease mark that is above the rear wheelarch, but not the front. **Notice I included the Nismo vented front bumper on this diagram). Any more Q's don't hesitate to ask!
  14. Thats what those signs usually say... but that attachment? Thats somebodies joke.Why the interest in priority seating?
  15. heh, heh only kidding... top pics!
  16. It's a GTS25t
  17. Franks, thats one of the most beutiful shots I've ever seen...
  18. Ooooh, wierd Japanese imports!!!! Theres gotta be some voodoo magic going on there!
  19. Exactly the kind of Anti-import-Nazi stupid sh!t that everyones probably had to put up with at some stage... I bet he drives a Holden. (no offence to the 2 cool holden drivers on SAU)He probably would've cut his stupid measuring stick down had an HQ been too low.
  20. Don't hold your breath on anything from me guys, remember I live in Kobe, so organizing a tour (although quite possible) would be a nightmare because of the distance I'd have to travel. It'd be fun, and I never say no to a business opportunity, but.... aaaaah I get back to ya...
  21. I'll talk to our school travel agent and see if we can sort out a 3 or 4 day "Power Tour"... TAS, Tuning shops and SuperAutobacs.
  22. No sh!t?Well, I saw him in Osaka 2 years ago... he was acting like a retard, yelling and jumping about infront of some RQs and general Japanese people while being videoed by a friend. He saw me looking at him, and he froze for a split second, then started behaving himself (prolly coz he realized he wasn't the only foreigner there). At that point, I was embarrassed to be a gaijin in Japan... I promptly legged it to try and distance my self!:zap: :bahaha: ez mate, we all make mistakes!
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