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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. I was hoping for a "Cheese" option aswell...
  2. I hope we can unearth some real funny and/or wierd stuff in this thread... I'll start: Japanese Product Names Hitachi Wooo, Asse Chocolate (no joke!), T+A Curry, J-Faerie... the list goes ooooooooooon... Who hasn't laughed at some of the product names in Japan? Sometimes it seems that the names are decided by monkey on crack, but in actual fact, alot of thought and planning is put into these names... well most of them! One of my students yesterday told me she works at "Mister Donuts". Mr Donuts is all over Japan, selling donuts and coffee (and other things) in the same vein as McDonalds. Anyway, having been there dozens of times, one of my favourite donuts is the "Old Fashion". "Thats a pretty normal name" you might say. But then theres the "Choco Fashion"!!! Yep, to keep with the "---- Fashioned" name tag, a Choco Fashion donut is an "Old Fashion" donut dipped half-way in chocolate. I told the Mr Donuts student that "Choco Fashion" didn't really roll off the tongue so well, and that it sounded quite funny to say, but she defended the name by saying "But Japanese people can understand 'Choco'!".... rrrrrrrrright.:looney: I left it at that! Fire away with more guys!
  3. We have a winner... WEDs Kranze ERM: Oddly enough, they don't say anything on the Weds site about gold versions though...
  4. My post above was a direct summary of what various Japanese friends have told me, so I don't know how you can "disagree" with anything I posted. Twas not my opinion. You're disagreeing with what Japanese people have said about their own car industry...As for the "Australia isn't as cool as the US", that was a direct quote (although not "" quoted) from my man Kazuya himself. The context is: If D1 had it's overseas debut in Australia, not the US, of what benefit would that give the D1 organizers? Everyone outside Australia would be asking "Why didn't they organize a US event instead?" The US is a drawcard in Japan, Australia is but a curiosity for most. Having said that, from a business perspective, money is the driving force for Japanese expansion to the US, that obviously comes under the banner of "cool"...
  5. :D nice 1....Nick: No, I didn't invite her up the Ferris Wheel (Umeda HEP 5 Navio ferris wheel - for those that know Osaka), but she did invite me to luch last Sunday with one of the Dunlop Direzza girls... to which I declined... I was too tired! (Try speaking Japanese when you got 5 hours sleep the night before - instant headf*ck... theres always next time;))
  6. Iyaya... I *had* that Ikeya Shifter on my site, but after Ikeya went through their 3rd generation make-over for it, I got a bit suspicious about them... good idea if Ikeya actually open up a branch in Australia to handle all the warranty work....
  7. I thought you would...
  8. Top thread Cam... The Japanese (in the Auto Industry anyway) have a deep seated idea that nothing they do is really *legit* until it takes off in the US. Inferiority complexes are still evident, but very well hidden... A good deal of ego-boosting is derived from Japanese culture making it's way into the US (which has it's own self-proclaimed "culture"), and so it's kind of like reverse satisfaction. The US stuck it to them in WWII, but the Japs now have the upper hand with the cars and all the aftermarket stuff that goes with it. So why not push that angle? This is one reason why you get the Japanese literally just dropping everything to break into the US market, even though the support for such a thing is minimal. Why don't they come to Australia with the D1? Because Australia is not as cool as the US on a world scale... period. Having said that, there are a few drifter guys in the UK who are thinking the same thing. **This just in... I just got off the phone to my firend Kazuya, and he seems to think that in the US, there are a whole bunch of guys who are interested in drift *who have money to make things happen*... whereas in Australia, you've basically got a bunch of young guys with no money who have big dreams of drift becoming a pro sport in Oz... Kazuyas been to Brisbane and Sydney a few times by the way!
  9. FranZ, absolutely top stuff there... you now officially have a fan in Japan!Just one thing, this new one you posted is very similar to the one you posted a few weeks ago... don't get me wrong, they're superb pics, but a *daylight* pic of Perth in the exact same position but during the day around lunch time would show off Perth a bit better, as during the day it's easier to see just how much greenery is there (this is from a Japanese point of view!) Sorry to ask, and I realize this isn't "Photos R Us"... but could you take a pic of Perth during the day? If you can FranZ, when I come down there in April, I'll introduce to you the Japanese girls that I'm showing your work to.
  10. Heres Gunma Prefectures site in English... Heres a map of Gunma as requested: The trouble is, Gunma is completely landlocked, so yeah, Yokohama is the sure bet for shipping to Australia. I live in Kobe, but from Kobe, ships don't actually go to Perth WA, so I had to transport my car to Nagoya, then to Perth... it's no big deal really.
  11. Rezz

    The '04 TAS Review...

    Where you there franks?
  12. 10 points for effort... but what a spaz...
  13. Kyles, you wouldn't happen to know a tall, lanky dude by the name of Chad Cochrane would you?
  14. Merli... you da Photochop man... good stuff!!!:D
  15. Awwww LOL man... LOL!!! Pulling out the stops... well done!
  16. No, no, no... I was trying to say that we have one less R33 GT-R on the streets now. I couldn't care less how long MINES is grounded for, or how many times he has to give his Dad foot massages to make up for it as a result of his "driving"... all I care about is the fact that *a GT-R has been killed*...
  17. No he's not. He killed a GT-R.B1 Mr Fanny is cool...
  18. If I was a lady, I'd get a K11 March...
  19. Karrawara (sp?) Primary Collier Primary Grovelands Primary Kelmscott Senior Northbridge TAFE
  20. Gold! Best response so far...
  21. Yeah MINES, if you get another GT-R after this vehicular tragedy, it'll be :talk2hand: time as far as I'm concerned.... no respect.
  22. Just a thought... are we all sure MINES_DATSUN isn't actually "streetmachiner" trying to buy up all the Skylines in Oz and write them off one by one, so there won't be any left? You know... like the Goebbels "Final Solution", but with Skylines? :confused:
  23. Geoff, she wants to lose 3 kilos... I just thought I'd tell you that!
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