I'm going to purchase a V35 Skyline Coupe in the new year sometime, and I just wanted to know what SAU thought of it?
I realize you guys probably haven't seen one in the flesh, let alone drive one, but what do you think of it overall? A step in the right direction?
I used to loathe this car, but since I made a few contacts in the car auction industry here (therefore opening up oportunities to seriously consider a V35), I really had good look at them, even having a ride in one yesterday. I didn't drive it myself (but thats cool because it was an AT anyway...) but from the passenger seat I could really see what Nissan are trying to do with the Skyline now... High Performance All-round GT perfection!!! Seriously, the ride, handling, seamless acceleration, and the fit/finish of the car is nothing short of awesome. It felt like a "big" coupe, but not in a bad way like some people say of the R33.
The V35 is quality all the way. The guy who was driving took it to redline once or twice, and only stomped on the brakes once, but from that I can only conclude that this car is like the R34s GT-Ts big brother. Seriously.