Rezz`s Forum? Nooooooooo, please please post up more threads people!
Baka: Stupid, silly, foolish.
Kurutteiru: crazy. (this is very direct in meaning)
About what you said about 'same as calling a negro a African American', that aaaaaalmost sums it up in todays language. For example, two foreigners will use Gaijin in passing conversation such as: "Hey mate, did you go to that new Gaijin bar in Shinsaibashi?", but on the other hand, if a foreigner approaches a Japanese girl and it's obvious he's just out for a screw, she maight say "Leave me alone, Gaijin!"... where the emphasis is on "Gaijin", being so that the word is used in a derogitory way to cause ill feeling, kind of like "African American"...
My 2c... what do you say Demon Dave?