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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Milo... you sound desperate...
  2. But I doubt I`ll be able to get cleavage shots like the ones on that link...
  3. Oh, and those pics right at the top of the page were added yesterday...
  4. Most of those pics are from Nanko in Osaka... they refer to it as "N-ko"... thats where I`m going to get more pics for ya Cam.
  5. Well, we're talking 6. And just coz they're Jap, it doesn't mean they want to meet Japanese people! Quite the opposite, they want to be speaking English as much as possible... good English, you know? None of this "Oi wazza chuck us anutha tinny and go get anuva block from the bottle'o ya kunt..." sort of shit.
  6. Ok, a few things... a) Can you speak slowly and clearly enough (and not use difficult words) so as to avoid confusion when talking to them? B) Can you keep your hands to yourself? c) Are you (the collective "you") generally good looking? If you ansewerd yes to the first two, I guess it doesn`t matter what cars you drive. At the moment, my brothers going to chauffuer these guys around for a few weeks, but if he has any trouble I`ll be sure to let you guys know! Oh, and thanks for looking out the window for us MrGTST! ... I can`t believe they haven`t finished that building yet. The last time I was there (November last year) they were well into construction...
  7. Those are some beeeeeeeuuuuuuuutiful pics right there, thanks so much simplelogik! Just wondering, you know that building that next to the Q*1 building (forget it`s name... QT1 or something?), is it completed yet? If it is, are there any pics? I just want a pic without any cranes or things spoiling the picture...
  8. Don`t worry, a couple of them are saying the same thing (hook us up...)!!!
  9. Hey guys, I need a really good shot of Perth city from Kings Park or from the South Perth foreshore... a good resolution, and as recent as possible, preferably in the last 3 months. It`s for my students, a bunch of fit, 20 to 30 year old single Japanese girls who are thinking of taking a tour down there in the Summer. Can anybody help? It`d be greatly appreciated! Cheers, /Rezz
  10. Oooooooh... oooooooh no. You ain`t seen bothing yet... Sopt it! Just..... stop it you Yanks! :)
  11. Heh, I`ve got a whole bunch of them...
  12. Holy shit... theres a whole fleet of `em...
  13. A Japanese car with Corvette and Viper bits?
  14. EVO 7... uh huh... it's not even funny... They could've at least made it funny.
  15. Sorry the pics a bit small, but this is one of the games available on J Phone/Vodaphone here in Nippon... Ridge Racer...
  16. I had a Renault 16... after twice being rammed into (front and side) it still wouldn't die. Eventually traded it in at Brian Gardner Holden for one of those $2000 "we'll trade in any old piece of junk" deals... got a '91 Nissan Pulsar...
  17. Whatever man:), they're still re-importing their own brand...
  18. Cheers for that, but the point was: Japanese guys re-importing their own cars ie: Honda`s. Are you saying Honda is an American domestic brand?
  19. Of course, of course. Each to their own. But I guess (in part) that the reason Yanks modified Japanese cars in such a shameful way was out of necessity... you know, taking a bodykit meant for a Corvette and fitting it to an Integra... becuase at one stage, there were no bodykits for Integras. The Japs are doing it to "keep up with the Jones`s..."
  20. ...unfortunantly... ...yes, that sign says "Speed Nuts"... Check the licence plate...
  21. Nnnnnnnnaaaaah!
  22. I think it`s the automotive equivilent of a "Candy Raver"...
  23. >Soulja: I agree, people do what you want, but you can`t hide the fact that thanks to our esteemed American, er, cousins, the Japanese car modifying public have taken waaaay too much flack over this, even if their car isn`t rice!
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