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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Rezz

    Stupidness In Japan

    ^^^^ AAAAHHH hahahaha! Thats it! LOL Where did you get that pic? Is that you Andrew??
  2. Rezz

    Missing Japan

    I've been back in AU for just on a year now. I was in JP for over 5 years and the first 6 months back in AU I had pretty mixed feelings. But this is my home and I had to come back some time. I heading back to JP soon but for how long I don't know. I really REALLY don't want to teach English ever again...
  3. What in Gods holy name are you on about?
  4. Do you think I'm in with a 'Chance'?
  5. Obvious misplaced thread. Moved to Skyline Specific.
  6. Here you go: These are the same pics I posted in the 'Supercar' thread a few years back, so this car has the R34 GT-R brakes upgrade, plus the massively overpriced East Bear FMIC + piping kit.
  7. Go here --> http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...c=29219&hl= ...and scroll down to post number 12. I still have the pictures around here somewhere so I'll upload them later if you need them.
  8. I think he meant that they dropped the regular GTS-t (non-Type M) from '91 onwards Richard. Before '91 the GTS-t and Type M were sold in unison, after '91 they only sold Type Ms. xRHETTx: You're right mate, ALL R33 turbo's are Type Ms. ... isn't it great that no ones mentioned 'M Spec'? Such a small thing but extremely irritating lol
  9. Rezz

    New Infiniti G35(s)

    Look at the badges on the car in the pics... it's clear as day 'G35S'.
  10. Geez thats awesome... who needs to go to Japan anymore? I see the R33s far outweigh the other models by about 3 to 1 just like here
  11. Anybody else confused by 'off-throttle response'?
  12. Where was xxxxx.co anyway? Is that Colombia? LOL It's times like this when I think globalization sucks. "Yeah man... I'll give you my bank details! I heard Colombian people are soooo friendly!" Yeah that spammer can buy my car for the heavily discounted price of 2,000,000 cents
  13. ^^^^ We don't tolerate blatant spam in here. Suspended indefinately.
  14. No, the car in your avatar has the 'standard' front bumper and that particular front bumper was standard across the entire range of R32s (except GT-R). There was an 'aero bumper' which could be ordered alone or as a kit as in the picture below: ^^^ This bumper was OPTIONAL. It's called the 'aero bumper'. No, the GTS-t (base model turbo) had 2-pot front brake calipers similar (maybe the same?) to the GTS N/A versions. I don't know the diameter of the disks as I've only ever seen one GTS-t (not Type M) in the last 6 years... ALL other R32 turbos I've seen have been Type Ms. Ok, you're right saying most R32s came with 4-pot bakes, simply because most R32s imported into Australia have been Type Ms! Trust me on this, I lived in Japan for a long time and questioned many local Japanese people about this very subject over the years.
  15. The 'Auto spoiler' was an option for all R32s except the GT-R. As has been posted 11tybillion times before, the only things that actually differentiate a Type M from the other R32s are the 4-pot front brakes/2-pot rear brakes, and the Viscous LSD. Digital climate control air con was standard too, but other GTS-ts (not Type M) could be optioned with it. I would add the GT-R lookalike 16inch wheels too, but so many cars have them swapped over or exchanged you can't really rely on that to tell you the difference anymore. Optional equipment: auto spoiler rear wing aero front bumper/side slirts/rear pods CD player metalic paint Don't worry, far fewer GTS-ts (without 4-pot brakes etc) were sold than proper Type Ms. I've only ever seen one GTS-t here and in Japan, but seen countless Type Ms. The Type M is the one you want anyway...
  16. Nissan (Infiniti) have done that already. The new V36 Skyline/G35 is a Lexus IS350 and BMW 330 competitor now, in the true sense. I posted up something about it in the Japan section. About the next GT-R and Nissan dealerships, elsewhere I've mentioned that the GT-R may just have it's own sales channel with it's own servicing section away from mainstream Nissan models to address the aftersales issues people have been having. Kind of like how Honda sold the NSX back in the day in Japan, it was under the same roof as everything else, but had it's own salespeople who took care of everything like a concierge, with 6-star service.
  17. Rezz

    Japanese To English

    Close... but no cigar. Actually, you WAY OFF 38,000yen was for a metal head gasket. They used the R34 turbo that was already present on the old engine, A nismo clutch with flywheel (I take it 'F/W' means 'flywheel') Stock cams have been taken out and taken away(?) Maybe they used the RB20 cams in the RB25...(?)
  18. Like they'd give a shit what a dealership did on the other side of the world...
  19. Rezz

    Maziora Colour

    Although I can't confirm it 100%, I'd say they definately aren't. About 2 years ago I posted up on here the DuPont recipe for Midnight Purple II, and I think the difference with MPIII was that it used the same amount of purple as blue. Maziora has about 29 clours to choose from, so I take it you're refering to the one which is called 'Saphire' from their Jewell collection thats used on their race cars? If so, thats definately an original colour and on most angles the Maziora colour looks more purple. http://www.nissan-prince-f*kuoka.co.jp/TOP...Web/gtr_mp3.htm (Midnight Purple III) http://www.nipponpaint.co.jp/maziora/at_race.html (Maziora Saphire)
  20. I used the 80km/h speed limiter' and 'zero tolerance DD Policing' as an example of how heavy-handed you'd have to be to *literally* stop these deaths from occuring... it was a bit of a rhetorical question/senario really. We could all drive around in really big Scalextric cars on slotted roads and just use a touch screen to tell the car where we want to go and it does everything automatically... viola! 0 roadtoll, and we still get to go where we want.
  21. The driver could have all the defensive driving instruction in the world, but is that gonna stop them from a moment of madness on a Saturday night drink driving with a bunch of friends in the backseat egging them on to 'see what top speed she can do'? Is that gonna stop that poorly posted sharp corner from coming up too quickly? It's even more simple, the 17 - 20yr old deaths will start to decrease when it's considered 'cool' to be responsible on the roads no matter whos in the car or what kind of car you're driving... with zero tolerance DD Policing and P-plater cars with 80km/h speed limiters on them. Sound like a too tall order?
  22. "Someone gets kicked in the balls" = 17 - 20 year olds? So the Government has somehow 'killed' that extra 37% because of a kneejerk reaction? Your comment sounds like your blaming the laws. I'd say inexperience/alcohol/stupidity/peer pressure/invincibility was the culprit for all those deaths.
  23. I don't know... Radar uses frequencies doen't it? Wouldn't it be like radio where you use a dedicated frequency? My translation of 'short wave' radar might be a little incorrect, but it definately uses radar to detect objects.
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