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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Rezz

    Working Visa

    Can you be a bit more clear with your questions ie: 10 years proof... for what? What proof does this(??) require? You need a degree to get a working visa, so I'm not sure how you can get one without it. You might have to get a different visa that still allows you to work like a Working holiday visa. Better yet, don't waste time on here, go see the Japanese consulate wherever you are and get info directly from them.
  2. They ain't Japanese either...
  3. Just go find the factory in China where Nismo went to get those keys made, get them to make the minimum requirement for a one-off run (could be as little as one), give them a little cash prize for keeping it quiet, then go whack off rigourously admiring you're status improving work.
  4. That things been around for at least 2 years now... better late than never hey?
  5. Hmmmm.... aaaaaaahhhhh..... mmmmmmmm.... yep. I'd hazard a guess that it's never gonna be put on
  6. Tell us what you want written and I'll make a .gif picture and upload it to SAU server so it'll show up on here.
  7. First of all, can you read Japanese? Although some of the main functions are in English, most if not all the sub-menus will be in Japanese, or at the very least katakana (Japanese script used for foreign words). When you say 'so much more advanced', what are you refering to exactly? I see that JVC, Eclipse (Fujitsu Ten) etc all have Aussie models for sale here that are pretty much what you get in Japan ie: the Eclipse E400AVZ http://www.fujitsuten.com.au/products.htm (scroll down). You mentioned they were cheaper in Japan too... well, when buying used electronics from Japan you have to be very careful in that you don't buy something that is on it's way out. Usaully all the decent electronics gear worth buying is either brand new, or near new... with anear new price tag to match. Yes it is still cheaper over there, but factor in shipping costs and no warranty outside Japan (or no claim no return from auctions), and you're almost at the price of a new DVD screen all-in-one 2DIN unit bought from a car audio place here. Also remember too, alot if not all the ultra cheap stuff in Japan electronics wise is straigh outta south central China. You seriously get what you pay for in those instances, so stick to well known brands IMO. You don't need a voltage converter, thats only for household electronics.
  8. Luke: You'll get the same advice as the 529 other people who've asked the same question: Get a degree before leaving for Japan. When you have the degree, look around online for the best job offer, but you really have to bite the bullet and get over there and attend some interviews. Only then will you know for sure what you're getting into (unless of course you join a school where a friend already works). Having said that, teaching is a career to some, or just a way to get income for others. I have 2 friends of mine who have their own schools in Japan that they started from scratch, but they definately are a different breed, much more mature and positive than usual. It is possible that you make all these sacrifices to get over there and then hate it. I think for this reason you should have a backup plan so you can leave at any time. It's a great country in some aspects, but bad in others. Like I say only particular people can hack it, and even fewer are really successful over there. Just make the preparations to go, get there then see what happens, but be ready to leave if things don't pan out.
  9. Probably the neighbours...?
  10. Well just by reading your comments Shan I can see you're mentally and emotionally prepared to undertake some Nippon styles along the lines of Kawaii_hatchi_roku and his 'ganguro' fetish... UNLEASH THE VIP BIG SCOOTER! DO IT! ... do it...
  11. Shan, if you're using this thread to 'promote' VIP big scooters and hence garner favourable popular opinion... oh never mind Personally, I don't think Australians are ready for it. The amount of abuse from bogans and other retards that you'd cop isn't worth it either. Maybe when fuel hits $2.00/L and the VE Commodore gets pulled from the market...
  12. If you're looking forward seeing some drift spots, when you heading up Tokyo area, you can try go to Urayasu (浦安) area which is near Tokyo Disneyland, every Thrusday or Friday you may able to find many drifters (野郎), of course they wont drift near the Disneyland area, they will first meet at some convineient store, like 7-11 or Lawson nearby, then they'll drive to some factory area.... Nowadays police take drift very seroiusly, it may be hard to see any, it really depends your luck. If you also interest top speed (最高速) , or if you have mates around Chiba area, you can go to AQUA line in Chiba area, it's actually a long fast express tunnel which connects Chiba Kisaradu (木更津), Yokohama (横浜) and Kanagawa (神奈川県), this AQUA line is a good run, but each run will cost you 4000yen in tolls, so people will just do a U turn in the parking area and do a few high speed runs... since this express line very expensive, not many normal commuters will use it, so Friday night you might able to see many zeroyon ゼロヨン (0 - 400m drags), a few years ago Wangan Kousoku 湾岸高速 was the best place , but nowadays there are too many accidents, so it might be hard to see any runs on the Kousoku 高速。。。。there might be a bigger drifting scene around Osaka. Regarding getting parts in Upgarage...I bet it might be hard to get good parts around there, since I think many good parts have already been bought by other poeple or something, and Upgarage prices aren't really bargains anyway, the best place to get bargains would be on Yahoo auctions, Goo parts, and some internet online stores. If you want to find some wecking yards in Tokyo area, I can list you some or search for you, and nowadays finding places that do front cuts are very hard to find since the govenment is changing the rules every few years. You could try Osaka, it might have more wekcing places, I have heard that at TRIAL they help customers with front cut/half cuts... Anyway good luck for your trip. By 350z33
  13. Rezz

    Japan Trip!

    I heard Nova's a pretty good school, why not join up? Anyways, I thought I'd break Sams paragraph up so newbies can easily see it up the top as a sticky and maybe it'll stop some reposts.
  14. Rezz

    Japan Trip!

    Sam that is GOLD. Can I edit it for 'clarity' and sticky it? サムくん、とてもいいポーストと思うよ。もしよかったら俺はサムのポーストを完璧な英語で書き直してもいいですか? I thought I'd translate my English if you didn't know what we mean by 'gold' and 'editing for clarity'...
  15. I bet those Hoshino rims are worth a pretty penny if they're in undamaged condition. That SR20 v-mount set up looks the goods too. Some really clean examples there... I wish I could've gone.
  16. Awesome Z33 Sam! Luv the bronze TE's with the black paint... I see your Impul exmani hiding under there
  17. Speaking from experience are ya? This is the first I've heard of anyone mentioning the narrow width of Japanese cars...
  18. Thanks for sharing Michael! Got any circuit pics from Suzuka?
  19. 'One big happy family'... lol Seriously we should get a SAU Japan group shot going at TAS or something.
  20. No, right now I'm in Perth in WA, but I'll be in Osaka early in November. I'll have to meet up with you at the Tokyo Auto Salon maybe?
  21. Hi Sam
  22. Hahaha you're right... I cheated. Well a 48sec lap is my best ultimate lap time, but I'll have to try again with S-Tires.
  23. 48.103 in the R34 GT-R N1 with super soft slicks and full tuned 800hp.
  24. Rezz

    My Cars 90% Done

    It was about $3,500 with all costs eg: stamp duty ($24), 6 month rego ($200) and compliance ($600). I got it off Yahoo auctions Japan by myself and imported it myself. I was in Japan at the time and inspected the car before laying down my hard earned 700 bux. I was VERY lucky in that the car was so good for so little money, I can't say there will ever be a car like that (S13 5MT, never crashed, 140,000kms, mint interior) again for that money... but you never know. 1988 Silvia 'track cops' on the other hand are always around Yahoo Japan. Take your pick between thrashed within an inch of it's life bunky or bodgy repair crash queen.
  25. Rezz

    My Cars 90% Done

    I specifically chose a car with a poo brown interior to 'see what could be done to improve it'... kinda like a woman trying to turn a gay guy back to being straight... mcnamg: My brothers in my bad books at the moment so all I can say is that my old R32 in probably one of the best in WA at the moment, nothing around here comes close that I've seen. Just go to TKO Tinting <--- address is there.
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