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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. I'm not 100% sure but they look a lot like "Kparts" ER34 sedan carbon side steps, but painted: https://minkara.carview.co.jp/userid/963359/car/794449/3657582/parts.aspx
  2. Pre-order now for shipment 1st week of December! Tomytec is releasing the second production run of the 1/64 scale NISMO 400R on 30th November. This time, it will be released with a different specification from the first production run. The body colours will be red, which appeared frequently in the catalogue, and navy blue. This 1/64 scale die cast model is produced with highly detailed wheels, interior, body emblems and badges and accurate tire tread patterns. Release date: 30th November 2024* https://www.oemsoko.co.jp/products/tomica-limited-vintage-neo-bcnr33-nissan-skyline-nismo-400r
  3. Funny you should ask... 😁 $200K according to this for a 'practically new' one: https://misha.tokyo/car/58
  4. My son took this photo of a 50th Anniversary R35 GT-R in Nishinomiya the other day
  5. OEM Soko is in the process of securing Nakago brand artisan tin drinkware as a partner supplier. We can offer assistance to supply Nakago products (domestic Japan shipping or international), and also if you're intending to visit the Kansai region in Japan, we can assist with reserving spots in Nakago's workshop to enjoy making your own one-of-a-kind sake cup. https://www.oemsoko.co.jp/blogs/oems-blog/nakago-shop-workshop-handcrafted-tin-drinkware
  6. Apparently he is... 😅
  7. I don't have a car to physically check but my HCR32 had 8.5J and 9.5J on back when I had it many moons ago. Can't remember the offset exactly but it was low (stock is +40), around the +20 mark. They just poked out a little at the front with no guard rolling or anything. Due to the design of the wheel I ran a 10mm spacer to clear the front calipers. Hopefully someone has the exact or very similar size to those wheels you're looking at to give a more certain reply. For what it's worth, according to the Spec Tank page (Japanese) which I trusted with my current car to get the right size, even at 8.5J +30 (they don't have data for 9.0J) the rim might interfere with the suspension or inner guards at the front. It says it will extend 10mm inwards with that width of wheel. As for poke, it will increase 15mm outwards at that wheel width and offset. Add at least 12mm(?) to inner and outer measurements for 9.0J. HCR32 GTS-t 2-door fitting guide: Wheel size Tire Width IC value (Inner) BT value (Outer) offset Maximum rim width +55 6.5J 195mm -10mm -35mm 7J 205mm -15mm -30mm 7J 215mm -20mm -25mm 7.5J 225mm -25mm -20mm 8J 235mm -30mm -15mm 8.5J 245mm -35mm -10mm +50 6.5J 195mm -5mm -30mm 7J 205mm -10mm -25mm 7J 215mm -15mm -20mm 7.5J 225mm -20mm -15mm 8J 235mm -25mm -10mm 8.5J 245mm -30mm -5mm +45 6.5J 195mm 0mm -25mm 7J 205mm -5mm -20mm 7J 215mm -10mm -15mm 7.5J 225mm -15mm -10mm 8J 235mm -20mm -5mm 8.5J 245mm -25mm 0mm +40 6.5J 195mm 5mm -20mm 7J 205mm 0mm -15mm 7J 215mm -5mm -10mm 7.5J 225mm -10mm -5mm 8J 235mm -15mm 0mm 8.5J 245mm -20mm 5mm +35 6.5J 195mm 10mm -15mm 7J 205mm 5mm -10mm 7J 215mm 0mm -5mm 7.5J 225mm -5mm 0mm 8J 235mm -10mm 5mm 8.5J 245mm -15mm 10mm +30 6.5J 195mm 15mm -10mm 7J 205mm 10mm -5mm 7J 215mm 5mm 0mm 7.5J 225mm 0mm 5mm 8J 235mm -5mm 10mm 8.5J 245mm -10mm 15mm +25 6.5J 195mm 20mm -5mm 7J 205mm 15mm 0mm 7J 215mm 10mm 5mm 7.5J 225mm 5mm 10mm 8J 235mm 0mm 15mm 8.5J 245mm -5mm 20mm +20 6.5J 195mm 25mm 0mm 7J 205mm 20mm 5mm 7J 215mm 15mm 10mm 7.5J 225mm 10mm 15mm 8J 235mm 5mm 20mm 8.5J 245mm 0mm 25mm
  8. Nice car! Looks like a good base for "restomod"ification. 👍 My first (and to date only 😔) Skyline was an HCR32 2-door so a big fan of these.
  9. Apologies for the delay... they are Work Emotion T7R
  10. I don't have a Stagea but what I've found after a quick search is that the S14 Silvia "winkers" (as they call them in Japan) do indeed fit the 260RS Autech, but are a little more 'curved' in appearance. I'm sure you've seen this already but it seems that the S14 winkers are easier to get. There were companies like KT Project who made aftermarket clear winkers for the Stagea (pre-facelift) but they are gone now and pop up on Yahoo auctions from time to time. Maybe someone else has the genuine ones? I couldn't come up with anything at the moment for sale.
  11. If you saw something worth taking a photo/video of on the streets in Japan, then post it here (pretty please? 🥹)! To get things rolling, an absolutely millimetre perfect restored 1st gen VW Golf on BBS RS with gold bolts and from what I could see, an immaculate interior. Was at an intersection and the lights turned green so only got one photo
  12. 1/43 BCNR33 Nissan Skyline GT-R Clarion Nismo LM by MTECH Released in 1996, this rare MTECH/Epoch BCNR33 Nissan Skyline GT-R Clarion Nismo LM is a faithful reproduction of the actual vehicle that raced at Le Mans the previous year. This vehicle's fame increased when it was featured in Sony Playstation game Grand Turismo 1 & 2 as the "NISMO GT-R LM Race Car '95". It features basic engine detail and reasonably accurate interior details. A fine addition to any collection where nostalgia is the focus! https://www.oemsoko.co.jp/products/rare-1996-mtech-1-43-bcnr33-nissan-skyline-gt-r-clarion-nismo-lm
  13. Something like this? The website (a Bridgestone tyre shop in Japan) says the carbon aero parts are Abflug, but I checked their site and they only show the front lip spoiler, not the side steps/diffusers That's a lovely clean engine bay too. Nice!
  14. With permission granted from the SAU admin (thanks Christian!) I'd like to introduce a new website "OEM Soko" (OEM -> Original Equipment Manufacturer, Soko -> Warehouse) https://www.oemsoko.co.jp/ It's a family business registered in Japan and owned by my wife (Japanese) with myself running the website and shipping side and doing all the English translations/dealing with clients in English. My son is also involved part time while studying. The business has been registered since 2016 but never promoted outside Japan until now due to other obligations. So what service does OEM Soko offer? In a nutshell: Anything worth shipping from Japan via Japan Post EMS. It's primary focus is Automotive accessories and hobby related items such as model cars etc, however there's also a "Vintage Soko" section dealing with used items and categories like Car cleaning and Tools. There's also a category "Nifty items" which includes any items we come across that are a) made in Japan, and b) have some sort of "nifty" attribute. By all means please take a look and let me know your thoughts or any feedback here in this thread. We're updating the products all the time and although it's not 'populated' so much at this stage, by checking up on what's new I'm sure there'll be something to pique your interest! * As an introductory offer to SAU members we'll throw in a "Car Wash Japan" Made in Japan 30cm x 30cm microfiber cloth with any order regardless of value! Just put your SAU member name and a link to your SAU profile in the "Order special instructions" section in the Shopping Cart (see attached image) to receive this free gift! 🙂👍 We're always open to any request for items from Japan no matter what it is, automotive related or not, so by all means please use the Contact form to send your request here! : https://www.oemsoko.co.jp/pages/contact
  15. The T3PA pedals have a potentiometer. You can upgrade the brake pedal to load cell which I'll do eventually but my son reckons the brake pedal is fine just how it is (with the conical rubber brake mod increasing the braking pressure to 25kg or so). It is 'rubbery' though, and as such is a bit uncertain when you're at 100% braking force or a few fractions of a degree off.
  16. Yep a sturdy seat holding the wheel and pedals is an absolute must. If I did it all again I'd probably go for a proper fixed seat rather than the Playseat Challenge. It's good enough and it does fold up for storage which is really good if you don't have space (like me), but the pedals do have a tendency to lift up under very hard braking at the pedal brace joint where the pedal part folds up when stored. I should use some Meccano pieces to prevent it from happening but then I'll lose the folding ability. It does have amore 'laid back' position as well which is halfway between touring car and single seater position, which I reckon is perfect for long sessions like the 1 hour races.
  17. My son will go for his driver's licence next year so he thrashes GT7 all the time (with the wheel, pedals and shifter). As a result he's always talking about updates etc so I play quite a bit too. A few times every week. The regular updates are awesome. I mainly just do time trials vs my son. The current hotness here is the Aston Martin Valkyrie around Nordschleife @ 5:38.9
  18. Yep wheel and pedals, Thrustmaster T150 Pro with 3 pedals and TH8A Shifter installed on a Playseat Challenge. I had to rig up a custom mount using Meccano style metal plates and stays to get the TH8A mounted, but it's rock solid.
  19. Does this count as a time trial as well? I got all gold in the master super licence (1 lap time trial) and received a McLaren MP4/4 for my trouble. If anyone else has done this, did you ride the wall right around the first long right hander at Lake Louise snow track to get gold? I couldn't do it any other way... best I could do without riding the was was within 2 tenths of the gold time.
  20. Oh and.... "no bubble on the dash" ---> immediate no mod status.
  21. To be Frank (always liked that name), I reckon this is a better idea. I'm an R32 man from day 1 and the really good surviving examples that are still in stock form should stay that way. Let ye conscience guide you my son 🙂
  22. Serious answer: The Japanese call them "HCR32純正アルミホイール" (HCR32 Junsei arumi wheel). https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9781a9b17bdb0a90&q=HCR32純正アルミホイール&uds=ADvngMi969x8VO53s3Ns6zY_q0mz1wQSG62T0CP-XYz351Bz4k-UlCLmEIs3_DOvTIrJbtR53zUINohMWufGSNcE7u-Sy3WX5TUjyDJHK7ocoDfeYw5W1tSwzUlYREw7kf4AsG4TMceIn7jdSxdsPXSr015SPQ0N4d0VoByGkenzSrAe8dyXSHA-cFV7LpaAVKCIPCKphRBK4ExnPj5Wp8Ymbl6ZrzN4uV9O1oqNcySxxJLogfY6FULbGlMPmheHkf5T89XXkWHUmA-Kn76muIhfC4LNQ0WaaP4QrndS6u2ovf8NUIsYJ7oFJ81Is4MDHNu_WMQr5vRcNCw-OO7NiSgP3rP02XVontjydtRrPYYnhoyPrwFoPHU&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYlNzYxcuGAxW72DQHHb8ODIAQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=1920&bih=911&dpr=1 The English name for them would be "(insert model name) genuine wheels"? As a side note, they fit perfectly on 1st and 2nd gen Suzuki Swift Sports: https://www.google.com/search?q=HCR32純正アルミホイール+スズキスイフト&sca_esv=9781a9b17bdb0a90&udm=2&biw=1920&bih=911&ei=aBBkZsT2KMS60-kP8IGZwAE&ved=0ahUKEwjEyoTbxcuGAxVE3TQHHfBABhgQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=HCR32純正アルミホイール+スズキスイフト&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiNkhDUjMy57SU5q2j44Ki44Or44Of44Ob44Kk44O844OrIOOCueOCuuOCreOCueOCpOODleODiEjCXFCgA1iiWHALeACQAQCYAYkBoAHzDaoBBDE4LjK4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgCgAgCYAwCIBgGSBwCgB_wH&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  23. Rezz

    Japan Scrapbook

    Don't want to side track from the thread too much (don't want to upset the thread starter's run from 2007) so here's some old rusted Nissan Laurels in a parking lot in Nishinomiya, Hyogo-ken:
  24. Rezz

    Japan Scrapbook

    Wait, wat. Are you coming to Kansai?
  25. Absolutely. Not knocking their ability on track at all, looks like a whole heap of fun. Just the crash safety aspect which I had my doubts about which those guys where able to engineer out of it 😄
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