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Everything posted by Rezz

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  9. Rezz


  10. Rezz


  11. Rezz


  12. Rezz


  13. Thanks Dino The R32 is even better though, 380hp at the wheels is on the cards...
  14. So who on here sells narcotics? I nominate them to buy the donor car...
  15. Jesse try getting a guy who knows about cars to call up (or do it yourself) and then see the response... I guarantee they change their tune when a guy with not much time to spare is on the other end of the phone About the car serial numbers, their ordering system requires that field to be entered before they can process the order, Nissan JP do it too. My mate Ikeda just gives them a chassis number from a car they're working on (if it's the same model) and HKS are happy thereafter... it's stupid I know.
  16. Do chinese turbos and minfolds even have a proper warranty? I know some places give them, but every one in two china turbos break after boosting , so I wouldn't be suprised that the company selling them doesn't want anything to do with them after the moneys changed hands... Don't buy china parts?
  17. God... I wish I got a dollar everytime HPI magazine made these sweeping staements about Japan... Take it from me, I've had more experience in Japan than the whole HPI staff put together: It's Stay-gee-ah. In Japanese, they write ステージア... now see that hyphen? It elongates the 'tay' sound in Stagea. Because it's elongated, it's possible that the 'gee-ah' part sounds like 'jah' if said really quickly, but that doesn't mean it's pronounced 'Stay-jah'... nor by a long shot. And to those car import guys that go to Japan 3 - 4 times a year... I bet their Japanese lanuage ability ranks up there with their J-girl picking up skills
  18. I'm outta here! Peace
  19. I wasn't talking about that car in the first post, I was talking about the XR6T in general... I'd probably buy one if it wasn't so overweight. having said that, I think it's time for Holden/Ford to address the lightweight RWD crowd. Holden did that Torana concept thingy (was it RWD?) which is definately a step in the right direction. Stop all this family car business!
  20. They wouldn't want to be beat by a 20 year old AE86 now would they...? Theres only one (!) thing holding back the XR6T: Weight, weight, and it's a bloody big sedan. Put that donk in a Lexus IS250 sized car - preferably with a 2-door option - and holy good gravy there be some fiiiiine machinery right thar...
  21. Just looking at the pic 3/4 view from above, it seems like the wheels are a fair way in, but I could be wrong. I've got 25mm spacers on th FRONT of my car (hehehe Japanese stylez) just to get the wheels sitting right, so 10mm might do the trick. It looks sweet and well done on the EB aero mirrors 3 things I reckon every GT-R should: 1) get those rims flush with the bodywork, 2) forget about chrome anything 3) don't lower it *too* much.
  22. I did, but my partner just gave HKS the details from one of his friends cars... he can only do it if his mates have the same car as the customer though. It's isn't a prerequisite for purchasing, but alot of the larger companies want those details. Your gasket will arrive for dispatch on Monday btw Michael
  23. Thats a nice 32R there... luv the hardware But... I feel that the offset on those Axis wheels at the rear could be a little more agressive? What the offset? Maybe put some 20mm spacers on?
  24. What happened??? My post... Anyway, folks I just wanted to let you know that theres no issue with sending faxes to HKS if you want stuff, they just want to know the exact part number, car chassis/VIN number etc kinda like a triple check? Good onya HKS
  25. I'll do it. But will you actually pay 'a bomb' for this kit if it's available, or is it just so you can write it off in your mind as something not worth doing? If it's the latter I can tell you now it's not worth doing... probably why all wide 7th Meister cars run cheap overfender extentions.
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