Drifiting in Beppu? No offence mang but thats like asking what the drifting is like in Broken Hill, NSW...
Beppu is in Oita prefecture which is on Kyushu island, the 3rd biggest island thats closest to China (well closest out of the 3 biggest islands lol). About the only thing Beppu has got going for it in 'location' terms is that it's reasonably close to Fu-ku-oka (<- stupid censor), where 'URAS' is, so if you can hook up with those guys it would be pretty crazy trust me.
No idea what the drift is like, and frankly, coming from Osaka, Beppu isn't even on the map... but having said that it *is* a rural kind of town so there'd be plenty of car action out there (not just drift). The key would be to get a car, then go hunting! Meet people that way...