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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Hey thanks alot guys! I spent most of my birthday on a Boeing 747-400 coming back from Germany... shit... 'the big 3 - 0'... THIRTY... THUR-TEE...
  2. Rezz

    Beppu City?

    After a quick search nothing came up for me. I dare say you could find out where the local circuit is within 2 days of being there? Just ask somebody!
  3. Rezz

    Beppu City?

    Drifiting in Beppu? No offence mang but thats like asking what the drifting is like in Broken Hill, NSW... Beppu is in Oita prefecture which is on Kyushu island, the 3rd biggest island thats closest to China (well closest out of the 3 biggest islands lol). About the only thing Beppu has got going for it in 'location' terms is that it's reasonably close to Fu-ku-oka (<- stupid censor), where 'URAS' is, so if you can hook up with those guys it would be pretty crazy trust me. No idea what the drift is like, and frankly, coming from Osaka, Beppu isn't even on the map... but having said that it *is* a rural kind of town so there'd be plenty of car action out there (not just drift). The key would be to get a car, then go hunting! Meet people that way...
  4. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=47288 Seek, and ye shall find... but first you've gotta 'seek', see? Thats the tough part
  5. No it's not, it's a Honda Orthia:
  6. This is a pic taken in March: ... but I have the 'Aero bumper', you can't fit my front lip to your bumper...
  7. Since when has the V35 been rumoured to have vinyl seats? Or have I misunderstood?
  8. ^^^ Japan doesn't need 'Aussie style' utes... Holden, at very best, will be an oddity in Japan. A sedan version of a Corvette so to speak, and how many Corvettes do you see rolling around in Japan? You could count them on one hand on a daily basis. I'm sure there are Corvette clubs in Japan with members numbering in the hundreds, but theres just no impact on the market whatsoever... so what would a sedan or even ute version be? An oddity, nothing more. Nice try Holden!
  9. Great update Dino thanks for sharing.
  10. Why does someone in Japan have to call them? Spoon has an authorized dealer in the USA: Opak Racing 355 San Bruno Avenue East San Bruno, CA 94066 www.opakracing.com TEL: (650) 952-1900 FAX: (650) 952-1070 It's quite simple... you know, all this new fandangled internet stuff... I just did: Google Search > Spoon > Spoon Worldwide. I would even go as far to say that it was "easy"
  11. You're coming to Perth, Western Australia? How did you find out about that place? Can I ask why you want to come to Perth? I'm from Perth (but now in Japan) and anybody from Queensland (sub-tropical north eastern Australia) will tell you that Perth is sh*t and Brisbane is the best place in the WORLD! I'll be 100% original and concur with Brisbane people and say that you should reconsider, and go to Brisbane... it's the best. Having said that, Brisbane is the most overrated place on the planet, so choose wisely my son Oh and welcome to the forums... if you need any advice about Perth just send me a PM
  12. Geez... ever heard of resizing mang?
  13. Thats the 2001 GT-R Concept alright...
  14. Rezz

    evo / gsr ???

    ... and heres me thinking you're on crack because every Evo is either a GSR or an RS.... (or Evo VII GT-A or Evo IX GT) Yes, what you said is basically correct as far as the Evo II is concerned, the engine being #1 and the bonnet/front fenders and other body kit parts being #2. Then the Recaro (?) interior I guess. But all that effort goes to waste when you see another guy whos done exactly the same thing previously go "nice fake Evo"... I'd say wait and import an Evo V or VI if I were you. Btw, wheres Irohazka? That spelling isn't Japanese, sounds more like Russian?
  15. I can never compete on level terms with DCD as far as articles go... absolutely stunning work Dino, I'm very impressed
  16. They're none other than Volk Racing Group C's... made all the way back in 1987...
  17. I've seen that car in the metal and to be honest only hardcore Skyline enthusiasts can spot that it's really an R32... but when ordinary people figure it out they do it's like "oh..." you know? Like they got excited that it was a legit R34 then realized it's just a poor old R32 thats what happened while I was at Osaka Auto Messe...
  18. Guys I wouldn't waste too much time trying to figure out why Nissan used 'RB'26 or whatever... I noticed that most of the guys who do seem to think the Japanese people think in English, thereby we have numbskulls sayin "RB means 'race Bred' uleh!"... LOL as if the Japanese would do that. But one little hint as to what they did mean, the R31 Skyline range included the '2.8D GT Passage D' which obviously was powered by the 'RD28' diesel engine. So if we look at that designation, the 'D' in 'RD28' means diesel of course... obviously... nothing groundbreaking there. Hmmm, I'd go as far to say that the first letter ie: 'R' in 'RB26' is just a letter used to signify a petrol inline six.
  19. ^^^ Hmmm, common opinion has it in Japan that an 8.5 inch wide rim is the widest you can put on... but I've got 9 inch wide rims. The 9" rims are sticking outside the guards maybe 5mm with a +32 offset. If you have a +38 with a 9.5" rim, I still think the rim will jut outside the guards a little (thats illegal in AU right?). Offset is the key here, but I think one of the members on here fitted 10" rims to his R32? Mind you, they are visibly too wide for the car and he had a big positive offset like you, so I guess if you want to take your chances with the police, then just fit them. I don't think you'll have any problems without rolling the guards... unless of course you want to slam your car 3 inches.
  20. Rezz

    am i right?

    Yes... I believe so. But it's a little old that page, those items could very well be sold by now (the tail lights right?).
  21. Yeah lol... a couple of times... but that wasn't what I was refering to specifically
  22. Sport Compact Car? Hmmmmm... those guys *literally* have as much chance as I do of getting info about the next GT-R (and I know they make big bucks). They just named it R35 GT-R in their article because they're just following what 10,000,000,000 newbies on the 'net have been calling it since 2001. Put it this way: SCC are in it to make money... they make money by selling magazines... they sell magazines by printing articles that people want to read... they print articles with next to no *real* content for that reason only, selling mags. So I'm not suprised they called it R35, as they could've called it ZZR TUNE 000-7 Type T super Turbo Ricemobile and still sold mags...
  23. Wow...thats... moving. Hey you other Gaijin, read 'Moeko's Owl', it'll help you get over all the stares and other shit that makes your life in Japan miserable.
  24. I take it MD headunits aren'T readily available in AU then? Why is that?
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