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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Rezz

    I've been busy...

  2. Rezz

    I've been busy...

    7tune has some issues at the moment... the content is all ready to go but just final touch ups etc need to be done. We wan't everything go be perfect!
  3. Rezz

    new guy

    Wow.. I missed this one Hi mate, welcome to the Japan forum For car parts, check out Yahoo auctions Japan for (non-electrical) anything you need, I've bought tonnes of stuff from there and 99.9% of the items have been excellent, real bargains. Other than that, try Autobacs 'Seco-han Ichiba', they also have majorly reduced prices on lots of new 'out of production' stuff... seats, wheels, tires, exhausts, electronic goods you name it. It's like a SuperAutobacs 'outlet' shop.
  4. Akihiro, are you going? I wanna go on Sunday (it's my day off) but we can meet on Tuesday anyway and go to Central Circuit
  5. No... only the GTS-R
  6. You can do that with the Japanese version...
  7. Kenshou ha.... 'Mister Donuts' no 'Choco Fashioned' no donuts dayo... eeeerm, gomen, tabeta bakari!!!
  8. I'll be there on Sunday the 13th. Yeah, it's the same as TAS except instead of being held in one giant hall like Makuhari Messe, it's spread over 5 or 6 smaller halls huddled together. It's a bit easier to navigate there, as you can just not visit the halls that don't interest you. It's ****ing freezing walking between halls so it's like 'jacket on', 'jacket off', 'jacket on', jacket off'... IMO it's a good show and worth going to.
  9. Seikai desu!!!
  10. Well... the first thing I noticed about Tokyo was that it had WAY more money spent on infrastructure during the bubble economy years... and along with that the government is there, National headquarters are there etc so it's like Tokyo is *it* as far as most people are concerned. Over here in Osaka though... it's a little smaller than Tokyo, I guess it feels like it's more 'Japanese style' big city, whereas Tokyo is more 'international style' big city. Having said that, I've heard alot over the years that fashion trends actually start in Osaka... then the so called 'best' of those fashion trends make there way over to Tokyo Ginza whatever. But yeah, Osaka is more 'down to earth' and 'rough' I guess...
  11. Hehehe... sore ha chotto chigau... ja 'hint' wo oshiete ageru yo *it's a* ha, *Itte* de arubeki dayo... sore mo, hyougen no hatsuon ha zenbu *it's a black eye* no oto ga issho desu yo (moshi 'mystery' hyougen ha sugu ni ittara, zettai wakaru yo)
  12. Good job Rob, it's all good
  13. Guys, Nissan had the RB series engine lifespan planned from the very beginning... they were always going to have the total R+D lifespan pegged at 20 - 25 years. Nissan didn't just suddenly say "geez we're in the sh*t financially after 40 years of building straight 6's, lets build V6's from now on", rather it's a technological, packaging AND financial move. The RB series engines were the best straight 6's in Japan and no other manufacturers really tried to compete at the same level as Nissan.... but where were they gonna go from there? During the Bubble economy years in Japan, there was serious talk that Japan was going to 'take over the world' financially, so the vibe within Nissan, Japans flagship car manufacturer, was very much a reflection of that: 'let's build the best racing straight 6 in the world and call it the RB26DETT'. So they did. Why the RB26 wasn't changed much over 10 years is pretty much testimony to how good the original design was. But that was then, now is now, so goodbye RB26...
  14. lol... Ostukaresama desu.. Ja, tsugi wa... 'It's a black eye!' (????????)
  15. Or they could just call their office in Japan...? I translated a DuPont colour recipe for LV4! Wow, the Aussie branches of some companies never cease to amaze me.
  16. Eat a duck I must (Itadakimasu)
  17. I've been passenger in one and I thought the engine was really refined and produced good power all the way to redline (I guess I gave the car the benefit of the doubt being an NA V6). Just a quality car allround, although the one I was in was standard factory 350GT Coupe Premium. Hell I'd get one if I had the spare cash.
  18. Christian thats more like it!!! Fantasic night shots mate
  19. Hahaha lol... sono ue no MESSAGE wo yomu toki, 'henji wa dou iu kana?' to omotta... arigatou drift007
  20. Top pics Christian ... a little small though... you can upload big versions to the SAU gallery if you want?
  21. Rezz

    I've been busy...

    Hahaha... do you really want to meet her? Her names Atsuko, but she can't really speak English sooo... well if you come to Osaka, sure, I can introduce you Btw, theres an accompanying 3 page story with my Seqential Kobe visit, so all will be revealed about that R32.
  22. Rezz

    I've been busy...

    Sorry topi, you'll have to visit my new site (in my sig). All I can do now is just give little teaser pics sorry :Oops:
  23. Rezz

    I've been busy...

    Part 1 of a 2 part series... this is just the tip of the iceberg guys! Yakiniku is GOOD.
  24. Similar things? You mean like parsley, thyme and tea leaves?
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