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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Theres like 3 other threads about this around the place...
  2. Rezz

    'r35gtr' a no go?

    I think it's more of a question of 'why should they make a statement?'... All they're doing is following the same system they've been using since the 50's. Why they should change that now, in 2005 (or whenever) is just pointless. Look, the whole reason talking about this is because: *cue slow classical guitar solo* ..."Back in the early 2000's, Americans - due to an unforseen (*cough*) disaster - realized that there was a WHOLE WORLD out there, you know, other than the United States... ...Low and behold... there were alot of cool un-American things, one of those being the 'Nee-sahn Skyline GT-R'. Hollywood unsurprisingly jumped on this trend of cool un-American stuff and made a couple of movies: "The Fast and the Furious" and "2fast2furious"... alot of kids loved the cheezyness... well, it made them feel better about their own cheezy lives if Hollywood acknowedged it. ... so the 'American Fanboy Massif' grew to accomodate the 'clueless American Fanboy JDM geek'... ...I emphasise clueless... the trouble is, America is a H-U-G-E country, and stopping those geeks is nigh on impossible (as I've personally found out over the last 2 years)... it seems they don't want to listen to reason - they only want to listen to mommy. If mommy says it's 'R35/6/7/8/9' then so be it... F*CK what Nissan have been doing for the last 50 years... ... it seems theres no changing the JDM fanboys minds... and so ends the tale. *cue fading classical guitar solo*
  3. Just go to SuperAutobacs when they have their sales on... I picked up an Apex aircleaner for 10% (turns out to be 5% actually because they add tax!) off retail. Alternatively, Up Garage, Autobacs Seco-han Ichiba etc often sell new items that are a good 20 - 30% off retail... it could be anything though, theres no consistency.
  4. Good to hear from you mate! My plans have changed somewhat since I spoke to you last... anyways I'll get back to you on PF.
  5. Yes... they're quite popular with circuit racers of all sorts. I think RE Amemiya used to use them on their circuit FD3S (the yellow one) a few years back, countless smaller cars use them ie: privately owned Civics, Starlets etc... at A$600 a rim new (for 17") they're not cheap, and they're one of the lightest rims out there still, after 10 odd years. You could probably sell your 18"s for $1,200 - 1,500 for the set depending on condition. But I'd hang on to them... especially in 18 inch they're probably as light as Volk TE37s.
  6. Oh. My. God. Bwahahahahahaha!!! Funniest thing I've seen all week... geez it's only Tuesday
  7. Does this mean I'm up there as one of the most knowlegable c*nts around about the next Skyline? lol *Btw, cheers for the pics inark well done
  8. Oi SPEED!!! SHOW US THE R+D PICS OF THE 'V8' FOR THE NEXT GT-R!!! NO DICE??? DIDN'T THINK SO :p I wish those knobs would stop perpetuating bullsh*t. And I CANNOT BELIEVE they printed those ancient 'GT-Ah' Photochops... scraping the bottom of the barrel are we? I have no respect for that rag. Btw, HOW RIGHT WAS I??? They printed regurgitated info from my posts about the e-4WD and the electric spooled up turbos!!! Hahahaha Remember... you saw it in Speed... last!
  9. Can someone post up scans already???
  10. I thought you came here for the quality posts in the Wasteland... lol
  11. Lets just say I need permission to post up stuff on here now...
  12. Begs the question... 'WHY is it the most convincing image to date?' I've got some new images myself... will post up once I get the green light from my new boss.
  13. Meh... I posted up those EXACT same pictures 3 months ago!! (of the GT-R) http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=55609
  14. Lol keep it going guys...
  15. Rezz


    The V36 Skyline? Theres a thread about it in this forum somewhere... 2006, possibly August. I don't think any final designs have been shown, but in my experience the 'year before' renders are pretty much spot on...
  16. I'll go out on a limb and say that the Speed article goes on about 'e-4WD', the Lithium battery power source for the front wheels/turbos and something about 'Keyboard warriors'... hahaha lol
  17. How do you figure that? Because thy don't use street names??? I have an address:confused:I think the Japanese system works ok considering the unbelieveable amount of urban development... no gun toting Postal workers here
  18. HKS gear only Ken aaaaaaaand you'd have to be a very special person...
  19. Hahaha... no Oh do tell us about the article though, I wonder what news they've rugurgitated this time?
  20. Rezz

    Mini in Japan

    Mini's are popular here because a) they're cute, B) Japanese women love 'cute' and c) they're cute... there are some hardcore Mini fans out there who mod their Mini's and paint a big Union Jack on the roof with roll cages and hi-cams etc, but they're just an *accessory* as are most niche cars (long term Japan resi pls back me up )... I'm not suprised they go cheap at Auction. Whether the same enthusiasm can be found in AU I don't know.
  21. Ok, 'Power Garage TestaRossa' (my preferred RB tuning garage ) say that the RB25DET Neo-6 is a huge improvement over the R33 RB25... also the Neo-6 (later ones) are rated at 280ps from the factory, so I think they'd handle as much as the R33 RB25 and then some! I've heard that up to 70% of the Neo-6 RB25 is all new. I think most of the differences of the 2 engines come from head and cams... that means: R33 cams can't go in the Neo 6 RB25, theres some differences with the cam angle sensor or something... injectors I'm not sure, but that would be easy to find out yourself.
  22. Flat screen? All the new games in Japan (going back what a year or two) all have flat screens... what are you talking about?
  23. Rezz


    C110GTR: That R33 with R34 face is from Uras and just the front fenders alone cost 41,000 yen (almost A$500)... factor in R34 headlights/bonnet/Uras R34 front bumper, and you're looking at another A$1,500 (A$2,000 total) *without paint*... bear in mind these are just guesstimate prices (new parts) and would depend largely on how many used parts you can find. Similar prices for the Fairlady Z, but I think the 180SX/R32 conversion would be cheapest. I think a guy in AU has already done the 180SX/R32. **Edit: the guy in AU did a S13 Silvia/R32
  24. Rezz


    Ok... so are you gonna tell him how much the kits cost now?
  25. Anthony, I'll be IN Kyoto tomorrow with Kayo!!!! I give you a call buddy
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