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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Are you sure about that? It's very unlike a Japanese to e so forthcoming with info over the phone to a complete stranger...I think I'll give it a go myself.
  2. My wifes a Japanese national.... anyone wanna send over the dosh and I'll score it on your behalf.
  3. Hehehe... I no give a fcuk no more.
  4. Thats nice! Thanks for the offer mate but it might take a little while for me to get in contact with my family... I'll et you know. Cheers
  5. 3. The general guidelines for setting up a business in Japan is that you have to employ 3 Japanese nationals and have a certain amount of capital at your disposal (I think it varies on the type of business). If I remember correctly those rules are just for registering your business name! I would only set up a business if you were going to stay here for life... it's just too much trouble otherwise, for something that might fail. Dave might know a little more about this. edit*: IG beat me to it...
  6. Actually, this car was on show at the NIsmo Festival. It's the Nismo R34 GT-R Z-Tune Z2 Final, meaning it's the final version of the Z-Tune to be produced by Nismo. Remember Nismo were looking for any sub 20,000km (or really low kilometer) R34 GT-Rs to buy? Well this is what they are going to do with them. I heard they were going to go for about $150,000, so that price is still ok I guess for what you get. Some pics:
  7. If you get an M35 Troy... you'll have no chance landing a bird... ever.
  8. Oooh yes the VQ25DET Stagea... Troy saved me from ownage on that one! edit* would be a lovely engine swap into an R32 if someone cared...
  9. Ok, it seems some can't take a hint... illegal activity is not something SAU condones, and definately not a forum to brag about such activity either. Closed.
  10. lol... you were at Eastern Creek International Raceway weren't you?
  11. Which circuit were you on?
  12. Cert. IV Small Business Management
  13. I can't believe that the GT-Rezz got you fired up... ME TOO!
  14. Could you show us the GT-Rs you've seen with different wheel widths front and rear? It's possible you saw GTS-ts or GTS25t's that had GT-R badges on them... not GT-Rs.
  15. Nope... TAFE certificate though.
  16. Really, my Japanese sucks too... I just let on that I can speak (right Troy??) and I've been here 4.5 years. Although I hear the YMCA 12 month full time course they have does wonders for your conversational ability. RyanJ: I've done some 'advertising' work, photo shoots for my school, a French restaurant (yeah... they though I looked French :confused: ) and even fronted up for an NHK sponsored English language 'listening CD' audition where we had to record dialogues for said CD - part of an English textbook or guidebook can't remember. Didn't end up using me coz my accent wasn't strong enough!!! Go figure. In a nutshell, it's novelty value at best, 3,000 yen/hour... teaching is better.
  17. エアロブーメランタイプの散光灯に、ボンネット上には高速隊特有の虫除け板を装備する。 バックミラーはシングルで、吸盤式のミラーを追加している。 And translated: Equipped with an Aero boomerang type siren, with an insect repellent board especially for high-speed persuits on the bonnet. The single rear-view mirror also has an added suction cup type mirror.
  18. Not me... I got a school christmas party to attend
  19. Brrrrrrrr! WRONG. I got OW3NED bigtime over at nissansilvia.com when some guy told me it was a bug deflector... I thought it was for wind, but he was right in saying it's there to keep bugs off the windscreen for persuit purposes. Please don't argue with me on this. I talked to a retired police sargeant (one of our students) and he confirmed that it's a bug deflector, even showed me some police internet site explaining the exact positioning and angle of the "Bug Deflector" for various models of police cars Crown, RX-7, GTO, GT-R etc.
  20. Rezz

    Finally here!!

    Meet up with Dave? He's Mr Yamanashi around these parts...
  21. What IG said, plus the fact that you might have to string a few part time jobs together if you don't have a degree to make ends meet. Full time jobs are around (I'm talking about private schools) but generally you'd need to have good experience teaching Japanese students to land those.
  22. I can't believe airbrushing and big chromies are still cool down there... that "HELPME" guy should be ashamed! Taht stuff went out in the '90s!
  23. In Sydney somewhere... thats as much info as I can give you. It's just you and the big bad internet from now on...
  24. Blitz told me that Unique Autosports now have the R34 Nismo Z-tune
  25. Hahahaa!! Well done! How'd you get a pic of the test mule??!!? I thought we were thorough with the security... Here's a pic going in next months Option 2 GT-Rezz expose:
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