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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Bwahahaha! You only just woke up??? How's it going buddy...
  2. If he had a Skyline, he might understand what we're saying...
  3. We're not harsh... it's funkymonkey who's harsh hahahaSo, why do you basically use everything else originating from Japan thats been posted about the next GT-R, then use an invented chassis designation for it? It just seems out of wack. I've never called it R35 for a reason. I'm the last person that'll perpetuate things that (ordinary - with no contacts whatsoever) people just assume it will be called. I've posted up in easy to understand English with pics how Nissan go about naming chassis etc, and for all intents and purposes, the "R" designatin is dead. Ok? Please call it "Next GT-R" or "2007 GT-R" or I'll make my own updated FAQ and sticky it... theres 2 conflicting ideas at play here that shouldn't happen on one of the best Skyline sites. Do you even have a Skyline?
  4. mastec: posting this in the Japan forum probably won't help you too much Please keep advertising businesses in their appropriate forums. Closed.
  5. Yeah! Carry on even though it's wrong! Choice
  6. Well... just be an Aussie and treat her as you would any other girl and you'll be right. She's probably wondering the same thing you are so...
  7. Yeah... it's becoming an Urban Legend that Snopes.com will have to investigate.
  8. Seriously, I reckon they might let one go for A$100,000.
  9. 19's man... 19's...Hell, even the V35 Coupe Series 2 has 19" rims on it...
  10. Well I did add one of these > for good measure but anyways... I'm with Troy on this one... what else is new?
  11. Troy you're house looks like a 3rd world country by the end of the week...
  12. I'm sure Japanese know 1st aid and rudimentary accident scene proceedures... it's just that they can't INITIATE. They need a higher ranking person around to "guide" them into action. I can see it now: "Kare wo tasukete agemashouka?" "Hai, douzo" "Iie, saki ni douzo" "Douzo" "ii-e douzo" "douzo-douzo"...
  13. As per the Japan forum thread it's Sonic Silver KR4... KR4 looks to be slightly goldy kinda silver, whereas Athlete Silver KV2 has blue ting to it. It's quite noticable when you've got both silvers together side by side... go the KR4 I say, it doesn't look so "cold".
  14. +81 is the International country code for Japan... I wouldn't just ring up and say "G'day, is this HKS? Yeah, oi'd loike to make an offah on ya Zee-row Aah youz got parked out back moite yeah"... they'd just think "wtf" and hang up on you. First of all you should say: "Moshi moshi?" (sounds like "More-shi more-shi" but say it quickly with no pause) Then: "Eigo ga dekimasuka?" (ey-goh gah de-ki-mahss-ka - it means "Can you speaka de English??!! ) This is no joke. Please say this first before clearly announcing you're intentions in clear Queens English... none of this Aussie crap ok? It's bigass International business transaction time!
  15. Guys Guys!!! Remember, Japanese people need a Leader! They won't do anything on their own accord otherwise! I should know, I've had a hand in sacking 25 Japanese receptionists in the last 3 years!
  16. jake32: I said "guesstimate", "some gems to be found" etc... I don't know how buying cars with logbooks at auction changes what I've seen in Japan? My guesstimate is based on the 1,000s of Skylines I've seen over the last 4.5 years here. Don't get me wrong though, I agree, each car should be judged by it's condition irrespective of it's kilometers. I thought it would be obvious that there are exceptions:confused: Btw, I've seen a 70,000km '03 V35 Skyline Coupe at a dealer... wow who would've thought that would be possible in Japan? This is my point.
  17. I like how at the end of the HPi article they say "hopefully they'll make a comeback at the 2004 Tokyo Auto Salon"... well there was one at the 2004 Nismo Festival!
  18. +81 544 29 1100 for HKS Factory phone number where I believe the Zero Rs are being held. Call between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday... and let us know how you get on
  19. And another:
  20. Here you go guys... Nismo 20th Anniversary Windows backgroud pic:
  21. Trust me, they do. Driving is something done for "pleasure" here, as opposed to driving as a necessity as it is in Australia. You guys clock up km's for work, going to your gf's house, the shopping mall etc, etc... the Japanese clock up just as much km`s *because they like the freedom of driving*. They'll purposely drive all day to nowhere in particular for the fun of it.
  22. Oh an btw, the Nurburgring test mule had 19" rims not 18".
  23. You could just as easily call it "2007 GT-R". Really, you just perpetuating something that hasn't been confirmed or even hinted at by the media. You can't just say "most people know as R35 so thats what I'll call it for them" if you're going to make an FAQ about it! The next GT-R or 2007 GT-R would be best in this case.
  24. The R33 GT-R Midnight Purple has been done quite a few times before, it still looks good, but I suppose something a bit more unique like II or III would be good. Midnight Purple - #LP2 Midnight Purple II - #LV4 Midnight Purple III - don't know Heres the PDF file: http://dupont.co.jp/dupont-refinish/color/.../nissan/lv4.pdf I don't really know what I'm translating, but if you know paint code recipies then stuff like "binder", "balancer" and "flop controller" might make sense to you... 1st Part (Colour base): *from top to bottom on the extreme left* Skyline Black H.S. Binder 2nd Part (Pearl Base): *top to bottom on the extreme left* Skyline Chrome Illusion Flop Controller Jet Black Violet Violet Pearl Binder Balancer 3rd Part (Colour Base): *top to bottom on the extreme left* Skyline Black H.S. Binder Balancer 4th Part (Pearl Base): Skyline Chrome Illusion Flop Controller Jet Black Violet Violet Pearl Binder Balancer Note: At the top of the 3rd column across from the left on each of the parts it says "1L Combination Amount". Now if you can make heads or tails of that that'd be great, because I'd hate to think that I've wasted my time.
  25. DuPont have the exact paint recipe for LV4 (Midnight Purple II) on the 'net if you want it, but it's in Japanese.
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