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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. This is Midnight Purple III: http://www.nissan.co.jp/GT-R/9901GT-RFC/MIDNIGHT_P3/ I don't have the paint code, but as this Nissan Global press release says HERE, Midnight Purple III is just like II except the colours have been strengthened further to make it more vibrant.
  2. Midnight Purple II #LV4
  3. I think it'd look awesome... I love R32s with non-R32 factory colours, and with the LM GT4s it'll look see-you-perb
  4. #KV2 is "Athlete Silver" my man...
  5. Sonic Silver (KR4)
  6. Back on topic, Troy you've got a good point there, I think someone brought it up on PF too... how can you use the Navi in AU when it's off while you're driving?
  7. I've got nothing to do with that FAQ, and I've never said anything about an S16 Silvia... (well, almost nothing)
  8. Work Emotion CR Kai... in white or bronze on a dark/coloured car... in black on a silver/white car.
  9. Geez you guys are on the ball... not! Check out my pics of the HKS Zero R at the Nismo Festival last Sunday: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...8&page=10&pp=25 (scroll down) Yes I touched it :wassup:
  10. Probably not, not that I know of anyway... I've never tried, but wouldn't the GPS settings and stuff be different between countries?
  11. I locked the other thread so we could have uninterupted pics until the end of the Nismo festival posts... not pics/random "Rezz I love you's"/pics/random I luv U's/pics etc... hahahaha shuddup anyway! I can lock it if I want *mimicks Kayo's impression of Troy "driving a car"*
  12. Yeah but at least that actually looks good, and could actually fool some people into thinking it was legit... our American friend on the other hand completely wasted his $20,000.
  13. Thanks Dave Your Sportsland Yamanashi thread inspired me to put more effort into suject, lighting etc... cheers
  14. Yes, the drive there was half the fun! I'm glad I could cruise out there with you Troy... seeing as it'll probably be the last time down the Chugoku expressway for you. Nice drive.
  15. Batsuman and Tarzan Yamada just for you Troy!!! I thought Tarzan was gonna smoch me for a moment there...
  16. The really REALLY sad thing is is that in Japan, guys copy Americans... even with stuff such as that Civic abomination. Somebody kill it before it breeds!
  17. ... and stop this R35 bologna...
  18. Since it doesn't have an official chassis designation (since it hasn't been released) you should call it the 2007 GT-R.
  19. Yep... go to UNI QLO and ONLY by X or XL if available...
  20. Like I said the 1st time you posted it... it's fuggin GOLD mate!!!! Right down to the fine details... I luv it
  21. Please take my name off. Thanks. That info was just translated by me from some Japanese magazines, so if you state that thats all I did (and all you did was read it) then thats ok... I just don't want it to look like I helped out when I didn't.
  22. My 2c: Stop making stupid imaginary Hollywood movies where young people are shown driving hugely powerful cars with the most awesome stunt driver skills... this just brain-washes todays youth into thinking anyone can do it. What about the old movies like "Bullit", "LeMans" etc where a *real MAN* (Steve McQueen) was shown doing all the top driving and the little kids had a proper man to look up to. All this does add up... US is trying too hard to appeal to the kids these days and the end result is kids thinking they can do anything if they just try... like those F+F movies. Driver training is good aswell... but kids aren't gonna fork out for that if it costs too much. It needs to be LAW, paid for out of Little Jonnies pocket himself.
  23. Rezz

    Whoretown Japan....

    3 of those stickies will vanish after mid-Jan, the others I'll amalgamate into one super sticky... sometime
  24. You could probably find exactly what you're after with an extensive search of this site... Btw, I hope it's school holidays because you're gonna need heaps of free time to get a project like this finished to a level where it's going to be useful to enthusiasts.
  25. Rezz

    GTR in GT4?

    No I think just the 2001 Concept and the 'Next GT-R LM car' will be in... try GTP forums for any GT4 Questions you have, or wait until the end of next week when it's released in Japan then I can tell you...
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