Now thats one thing I haven't heard A THING about... I'm starting to think whether that rumour was just a Nissan USA 'wish list' type proposal... a proposal that flies in the face of any GT-R tradition, also in typical "we don't give a crap about foreign stuff" Yank fashion.Honestly, everytime I bring up foreign market GT-R stuff with Japanese friends and coworkers, they just go all blank... theres been no mention of a V8 here in Japan, and there probably won't be.
I just can't see Nissan tipping added dollars into R+D for a "GT-R spec" (read: proven on the cicuit) V8 for a single market... even if it is the US of A.
If the V35 (or V36 for that matter) Skyline was able to be enginneered to accept a V8 then they would. But that would just be stupid, as the Cima/President already have V8s in them, an Infiniti in the US will offer the M45 (Fuga) there with a V8, the M45 being just 1 step up from the G35 (Skyline) in size.
But just by looking at the info that we have, there has been no V8 R+D up until now... therefore there won't be V8 in a GT-R... let alone a Skyline! (small shot at Speed mag )